v0.14.0 - Dec 5, 2016
This is the first tagged release, so changes are from previously deployed version (28fbc853).
- autocomplete for queries that have a trailing glob. When deployed alongside carbonzipper 64a4933, carbonsearch queries can be auto-completed from the graphite-web UI.
- change default search prefix to 'virt.v1.*.' for better graphite-web support (49b6a91 for details)
- support prefix in config file (rather than a CLI flag)
- split indexes mapping now associates multiple services with a single index (link)
- new graphite metrics for index generation timings and index sizes
- request logging for all requests, query time + result counts for Find requests
- various small tweaks to make carbonsearch clean against go-staticcheck, other cleanups based on various other linters/static checkers
- include BuildVersion in ExpVars