This repository contains just the code used to assimilate the Southern Annular Mode index over the Common Era from King et al. (2022). For the complete repository, which includes the external or ancillary code for doing the assimilation as well as the input and output data files and the final reconstruction (approximately 8GB), please visit the complete Zenodo repository here.
King, J., K.J. Anchukaitis, K. Allen, T. Vance, A. Hessl, Trends and variability in the Southern Annular Mode during the Common Era, Nature Communications, 14, 2324, doi:10.1038/s41467-023-37643-1, 2023.
This repository holds just the code used to implement the analyses and figures in the paper, not including the DASH core and PDSI proxy systems model. For the complete code and data, which includes the NetCDF files of the input and output, please see the Zenodo directory here. The Analysis
folder in this repository contains the code used to implement the analyses, but not the intermediate output files produced by the code. Please visit the complete Zenodo repository here for input data, intermediate files, output, and external supporting programs including the version of DASH used in this paper.
You will need Matlab 2020b or higher to run the code.
Several of the folders rely on code or output files from other folders in the repository. Specifically:
Several of the sections in the
folder rely on raw data in theInput Data
folder. You can find additional details in therunAnalysis.m
script in theAnalysis
folder. -
All of the functions in the
Figures and Tables
folder rely on output files located in theAnalysis
folder. Thus, you will need to download theAnalysis
folder to reproduce the figures. Additional details can be found in thefiguresAndTables.m
script in theFigures and Tables
folder. -
Once again, for the complete code and data, which includes the NetCDF files of the input and output, please see the Zenodo directory here.