An easily deployed Hubot for Kandan, running in the cloud. A regular Algonquin round table of ribaldry and wit.
You'll need the heroku gem installed with Heroku. Then:
git clone
cd hubot-kandan-app
# Add Hubot scripts to ./scripts if you want.
# Visit the [Hubot Script Catalog](
# for some cool tricks you can teach your Hubot.
# Push and scale
heroku create --stack cedar
git push heroku master --force
heroku ps:scale app=1
# *************** EDIT TO ADD YOUR VARIABLES *************** #
# Add any other config variables your extra scripts may need #
heroku config:add HUBOT_KANDAN_CHANNELS=1 HUBOT_KANDAN_HOST=kandan-host HUBOT_KANDAN_TOKEN=kandan-token
You can get your HUBOT_KANDAN_HOST
variables on kandanapp by clicking on App Settings while in Kandan:
Heroku will idle processes after an hour of inactivity, so the Hubot
will ping itself periodically if you add the HEROKU_URL
variable pointing to your app's instance URL:
heroku config:set HEROKU_URL=
Finally, Some scripts needs Redis to work, Heroku offers an addon called RedisToGo, which has a free nano plan. To use it run:
heroku addons:add redistogo:nano
And add the
hubot-script (see section below on
Hubot Scripts).
If needed, refer to the full Hubot Heroku installation instructions.
Or if you're running it elsewhere, use the rake kandan:hubot_access_key
Done! Never feel lonely again with your own robotic companion.
If your Kandan app is running on a non-standard port, or using SSL, you may configure the connection with additional environment variables (be sure to add these to Heroku or wherever your Kandan Hubot app is running):
If your Kandan app is running with authentication, you're able to set authorization header for basic authentication or OAuth with additional environment variables:
HUBOT_KANDAN_AUTH='Basic (base64 encoded user and password)'
Installation instructions for other cloud providers are readily accepted, but be sure keep them as close to copy/paste as possible.
Hubot comes with many user-contributed scripts that may be installed. To
install Hubot Scripts, add the following to "dependencies"
in the
package.json file:
"hubot-scripts": ""
And run npm install
Then add the names of any scripts you like from the hubot-scripts repository to the array in the hubot-scripts.json file, such as:
["", "", ""]
The staff of News Radio for their inspirational lyrics.
MIT - see LICENSE for more details
That's not a question, it's an order! Or more of a friendly offer, really. Kandan is a fully open-source app, so dive in and start adding features, fixing bugs (what bugs?), and cleaning up the code.
- GitHub issues tracker
- Twitter @kandanapp