Async Command-line HTTP Client
Supports Asynchronous HTTP requests from command-line.
Can handle 100 or even 1000+ HTTP requests asynchronously in a single thread (Thanks to aiohttp).
Ability to resume partial downloads.
Ability to accept input from files containing urls with custom parameters.
Automatic HTML Formatting, in order to make reading of HTML content easier inside terminal (Thanks to bs4).
Allows adjusting maximum number of concurrent requests.
Allows adjusting time duration between successive requests to same domain.
Supports two backends urllib and aiohttp for fetching urls.
Built-in lightweight crawler
If users want to fire just one request at a time from cli then there is no need to use aclh, since existing clients like curl or wget are sufficient for this. But, if users are interested in firing 100+ or more concurrent requests asynchronously without creating 100+ or more separate processes, then they might find aclh useful.
python 3.5.2+
$ git clone
$ cd aclh
$ python sdist (or python3 sdist)
$ cd dist
$ (sudo) pip install pkg_available_in_directory (or pip3 install pkg_available_in_directory)
# where 'pkg_available_in_directory' is the exact name of the package
# created in the 'dist' folder
# OR
$ (sudo) pip install git+
Note: use 'sudo' depending on whether you want to install package system-wide or not
Note: use pip or pip3 depending on what is available on your system
$ (sudo) pip uninstall aclh (OR pip3 uninstall aclh)
Fetch three urls and print their formatted HTML output in terminal
$ aclh
Fetch Two urls asynchronously and save their output in two separate files
$ aclh --out en.html mr.html
Fetch Two urls asynchronously and save their output in a directory with default names.
$ aclh --out=/tmp
Fetch Two urls asynchronously, do not print output on terminal but print cookies and links within pages.
$ aclh --no-print --print-cookies --print-links
Fetch urls with options from files
$ aclh --input-files file1.txt file2.txt
Send common Custom header when fetching two urls
$ aclh --hdrs 'User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0' 'Cookie: custom_cookie'
Crawl website asynchronously and keep time duration of 1s between successive requests
$ aclh -X CRAWL '' --depth-allowed=1 --wait=1.0
$ aclh -h
Using Vinanti and aiohttp. All the heavy lifting is done by these two libraries. aclh provides cli wrapper around them.