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Release Progress Tracking 202111

kannankvs edited this page Dec 7, 2021 · 45 revisions

202111 Features Tracking

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Feature HLD
Test Plan Ready for Review ETA Owner Code
Test PR Ready for Review ETA Code PR
SAI Change Priority/Conf
ACL orch redesign Reviewed on 9/22/2021 Nvidia MSFT/
10/15/2021 Yes Utilize query statistics SAI API
App extension CLI generation tool
HLD - Merged
Deferred from 202106
Mar 30 Nvidia MSFT/
May 30 No 2ndphase of the application extension: a CLI generation tool for application extension programs. An improvements following the current infra available
Automatic techsupport and core dump creation
HLD - Merged
July 6: Ready for review Reviewed on 7/27/2021 Nvidia MSFT No Triggered by a failure
Better route scalability with multiple next-hops
Deferred from 202106
Done Metaswitch BRCM July 30 475 - Merged, 1702 No Split next hop groups out of routing table (back-compatibly).
Class-Based Forwarding
HLD - Open
11/15: All code PRs merged
July 7 (reviewed on 8/3) Metaswitch
Intel Aug 30 Yes,
Class-Based Forwarding by j-bos PR 1193
Policy-based tunnel selection
CLI level authorization
9/21/2021 (reviewed on 9/21/2021) MSFT TBD Fine grain access control at CLI level using TACACs
DHCP support IPv6
HLD - Merged
July 23 (reviewed on July 20) MSFT BRCM Aug 15 To be added
Dynamic Policy Based Hashing
HLD- Merged
Deferred from 202106
Apr 13 Nvidia/
May 15 7461 - Merged Yes Static policy based hashing is supported, dynamic policy based hashing with edit flow is being added
Dynamic port breakout
Deferred from 202106
2020 LKND Nvidia/
4235, 3910, 1242, 1219, 1148, 1112, 766, 72, 859, 767, 765, 3912, 3911, 3909, 3861, 3730 - Merged
3907, 3891, 3874, 1085, 1151, 1150 -Closed
EXP to TC QoS maps
HLD is open, all code PRs are merged
9/21/2021(reviewed on 9/21) Metaswitch
Intel Sep 30 No Support for further QoS map type
EVPN VXLAN for platforms using P2MP tunnel based L2 forwarding
HLD - Merged
All PRs are merged
7/23 (Reviewed on 7/20/2021) Nvidia BRCM/
Jul 30 No PR806
1. Vxlan multicast support, is it included? Not at the moment
2. What is the usecase of p2mp vxlan & is Ingress replication used? Refer PR (806)
3. L2VNI is it included?
Handle port config change on fly in xcvrd
Added on 8/22
Reviewed on 9/7/2021 Nvidia No
Host interface trap counter Reviewed on 9/28 Nvidia TBD Aug 30 No ARP, DHCP, LLDP
L2 functional and performance enhancements
HLD - Merged
Deferred from 202106
5/21/2019 BRCM MSFT- tbd
DELL - tbd
Apr 10 885, 529 & 1716 - Open
114 - Merged
No FDB flush, MAC move, FDB aging time configuration, Static FDB configuration and VLAN Range configuration
New branch creation for Debian11 N/A MSFT MSFT No Create initial testing image and Debian 11 branch for community to integrate with respective platform drivers, SAI etc.
One line command to extract multiple DBs info of a SONiC component
HLD - Merged
Reviewed in this March Nvidia MSFT Jul 13: ready already No Infrastructure enhancement for debuggability. Debug command to retrieve config, application and ASIC DBs per component
Overlay ECMP
HLD - Open
PR review is done, waiting for merge
Sep 14 MSFT Intel/
No (use existing, vendors to implement) Support overlay ECMP for Vxlan, route will be sent to multiple tunnels requiring ECMP support
PDK - Platform Development Environment
Defer from 202106 on 8/25/2021
Done already in 202106 release BRCM MSFT No Optimizes platform driver and plugin development along with static platform configuration data testing.
PINS (P4 Integrated Network Stack)
HLD - Open
MVP Main HLD is reviewed on 8/17/2021
P4RT/P4 Orchagent/P4 APPL DB Schema are reviewed on 9/15/2021
Remaining HLD are reviewed on 9/29/2021
Aug 30 Yes PINS (P4 Integrated Network Stack), a P4Runtime (P4RT) based SDN interface for SONiC
Reclaim reserved buffer for unused ports
Added on 8/22
Reviewed on 9/7/2021 Nvidia MSFT No
Routed sub-interface naming convention
HLD - Merged
8/17/2021(reviewed on 8/31/2021) BRCM Dell/
9/15/2021 No Linux kernel has a limitation of 15 character interface name size, modify the sub interface naming convention to keep it in short format (e.g. Eth100.1234, or Po100.1234). This naming change for subinterfaces will kept it uniform across the entire SONiC subsystem (config, show, and in all dbs) for the subinterfaces. DB migrator scripts are enhanced for the name conversion during the upgrade.
SONiC for MPLS Dataplane
HLD - Open
Deferred from 202106
Reviewed already Juniper Intel
Metaswitch- tbd
Yes, SAI discussion on going SONiC support for MPLS dataplane.
SRv6 support (Cntd)
Deferred from 202106
Juniper - tbd
Cisco - tbd
May 25 Yes
SRv6 support for dataplane

SONiC/SAI support for linux static route+SRV6 encapsulation

To be discussed in sonic-mpls-workgroup Intel will contribute dataplane support; Alibaba will contribute control plane support
Support for passing IS-IS, LDP and MicroBFD packets to CPU N/A (trivial 2 line code change to map to new SAI values) Metaswitch
Innovium July 30 Yes (ISIS trap support for SAI 1238 · opencomputeproject/ SAI@68be575 is merged, Trap type changes by dkourkouzelis · 1258 · opencomputeproject/ SAI ( is ready to merge) Adding new protocols to supported hostif trap types
Upgrade SONiC init flow
HLD - Merged
N/A Nvidia TBD Yes Utilize query statistics SAI API
VXLAN src port configuration N/A Nvidia Intel Aug 30 1205 - Merged Yes 1205 Controlling the fixed/hash Bits and port range

Deferred Features to Next Release

Feature HLD
Test Plan Ready for Review ETA Owner Code
Test PR Ready for Review ETA Code PR
SAI Change Priority/Conf
NVGRE/GRE Scheduled on 10/12 Nvidia TBD 9/30/2021 - tentative DD will be provided once the HLD is confirmed Yes NVGRE is a Layer 3 tunneling protocol that utilizes a standard GRE header to encapsulate a Layer 2 packet.
Event-mgmt Infra
Deferred from 202106
Reviewed on Apr 27 - require a reviewer to sign-off Dell TBD July 13 - ready for review 7813, 48, 85 & 490 - Open No A centralized framework for applications in SONiC network operating system to raise “events” and store them for NBIs to consume.
Klish CLI for show-tech support
HLD - Open
Deferred from 202106
Apr 6 DELL MSFT Jun 30 86, 49, 7816 - Open No Klish CLI for show-tech support using the new mgmt.-infra framework
System with zero port support N/A Nvidia Juniper Jul 13:
109, 221, 3663 - Open ;
1808 - Merged, 1697 - Closed
No Allows to bring up system and finish the init flow
Storm Control (BUM)
HLD - Merged
Deferred from 202106
Apr 10 1306 & 928 - Open
346 - Merged
No Independently rate limit ingress Broadcast, Multicast and Unknown Unicast traffic on a bits-per-second basis. IS-CLI configuration
Defer to next release
Reviewed on 8/24/2021 Edgecore Dell/
Aug 30 No Static Anycast Gateway. To provide anycast gateway for host/VMs. Can be used independently, or with MCLAG to provide single gateway for MC-LAG member host. To provide the possibility for host VM mobility. Both IPv4 and v6
CMIS Diagnostics
HLD - Open
Reviewed on 10/5 BRCM Dell 10/29/2021 No
SONiC fanout support
Deferred from 202106
Deferred from 20211
Stretch goal MSFT TBD No Change fanout switch o.s to SONiC
Align crmorch with sai_object_type_get_availability N/A Nvidia TBD No
PR 942
Will not require a new SAI API, but vendors will have to implement this API for using this functionality
System Ready Enhancements Reviewed on 10/5 BRCM Dell/
9/29/2021 No Today there is no easy way to know when the device is ready in terms of control/dataplane. The change allows declaration of System ready (Syslog/CLI) when all the services(dockers+host) are up and ready. Also define a framework for each service to declare itself ready based on their application criteria.
100% SONiC YANG model
Deferred from 202106
Deferred to 202205
Deferred to 202205
Sep 30 Yang Project No Build a full and complete YANG model for SONiC configDB
Deprecating Python2 platform daemons
Move to next release
NA MSFT Dell Aug 30 N/A All platform daemons will run using Python 3. Python 2 support will be removed. Vendors must build and install Python 3 sonic-platform packages.
Question: Will there be new platform APIs to be added in 202111? @Guohan to confirm
MACSEC enhancement: primary & fallback case
Move to next release
N/A No MACsec can enable primary and fallback Connectivity Association Keys(CAK) at a same time. Meanwhile the primary and fallback key can be switched or replaced without any outage.
Show running enhancement
July 30
(reviewed on 8/31/2021)
Edgecore Dell/
Aug 30 No Enhancement on show running to provide single command (with new argument) to generate CISCO-like CLI running configuration for increasing user readability.