Implementation of ChatGPT: SmartChat using OpenAI's API. Information is sent and received using functions implemented in JavaScript with Node and Express frameworks used for backend and Vanilla framework used for frontend.
- The server communicates with the advanced ChatGPT model API
- Elegant User Interface that enhances the ChatGPT app
- server.js can be modified to chat with any of OpenAI's trained models with a wide range of frequencies
- Visit > API > Login > email: [] | password: [simplepassword] > Click on your profile icon > View API keys > Create new secret key
- Paste this in the empty string in .env file located in the server folder.
- Run Server: Open a terminal and navigate to where the project is cloned/downloaded
> cd ChatGPT-SmartChat/server
> npm install --legacy-peer-deps
> npm start
- Run Client: Open another terminal and navigate to where the project is cloned/downloaded
> cd ChatGPT-SmartChat/client
> npm install --legacy-peer-deps
> npm run dev
- If address 5001 (for server-side) or 5173 (for client-side, which may vary - look at output in terminal to see which port# is used) is already in use, you can just kill which ever process is using the port with below command, and run again
> lsof -ti:5001 | xargs kill -9
> lsof -ti:5173 | xargs kill -9
- Below show setup process for creating this project - no need to execute it to run this app
[need to have node installed]
> node -v
[Below line is for setting a vanilla client project]
> npm create vite@latest client --template vanilla
[>> type 'y' & enter >> enter (for Vanilla) >> enter (for JavaScript)]
[setting up server side, create an empty folder called server and navigate into it]
> npm init -y
> npm install cors dotenv express nodemon openai
[create a new file called server.js]
- Knowledge of utilizing any API from OpenAI
- Make API requests
- Handling the following API response
- Setup a Vanilla JS project using Vite
- Use jQuery to handle form submission
- Use Node.js with express framework for server side
- Responsive layout with CSS
- Handle events with JavaScript
- Render markdown from string
client side handles front-end: handling form submission, displaying message, and webpage layout
- assets folder contains images and the public folder contains the .ico file
- node_modules folder contains installed packages for the client-side
- package*.json files indicate which files need to be installed for client
- index.html contains the basic layout of the webpage
- script.js contains functions that will be executed once when the user sends a message
- style.css contains design of the main index.html page
server side handles back-end: communication with API
- node_modules folder contains installed packages for the server-side
- package*.json files indicate which files need to be installed for server
- server.js contains functions that communicates with the API
- .env contains API key