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An advanced admin dashboard built using React. Completely responsive and mobile friendly. It utilizes React Hooks & components, and Syncfusion for UI components.

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KanDash: An Advanced Admin Dashboard

An advanced admin dashboard built using React. Completely responsive and mobile friendly. It utilizes React Hooks & components, and Syncfusion for UI components. Quote

Light         Dark

Light         Dark

Light         Dark

How to run

  • Open terminal and navigate to where the project is cloned/downloaded
> cd KanDash
> npm install --legacy-peer-deps
> npm start
  • If address 3000 is already in use, you can just kill which ever process is using the port with below command, and run again
> lsof -ti:3000 | xargs kill -9

Go to the browser to this url: http://localhost:3000 or if you want to open it in a different device go to:
and explore through the KanDash Advanced Dashboard React App.


  • Users can change color themes of their dashboard and switch between dark & light themes

Light         Light

  • Orders page is implemented with pagination

Light         Light

  • Selected items to purchase can be viewed through the shopping cart icon and the color picker app enables to choose a color from a palette

Light         Light

  • List of employees page implemented with search functionality and the list of customers page comes with editable table functionality

Light         Light

  • Edit, add, and drag events in the calendar app and the view can be changed by day/week/month/agenda(list)

Light         Light

  • Organize tasks in the Kanban app, and edit text pieces in the Text Editor app

Light         Dark

  • Data can be viewed through the following graphs: Line, Area, Bar, Pie, Finacial, Color Mapping, Pyramid, Stacked

Light         Dark

Light         Dark

Dark         Light

Light         Light

  • The entire dashboard is also mobile friendly and adjusts its elements as the window is resized

Light         Light

Concepts Learned

  • Advanced React practices

    • React function components
    • Designing folder & file structure for page routing
    • React Hooks and useRef
    • State management using React context API
  • Syncfusion UI component suites were used to desing the components visually

File Structure

  • The KanDash app was created using create-react-app.
> npx create-react-app KanDash
  • KanDash/ (Main folder name and also the name of the application)
    • node_modules/ (contains all installed dependencies & its specific versions)
    • public/ (contains index.html file where React will render its HTML elements in the ID, 'root' tag. It also contains favicons and logo img files)
    • screenshots/ (contains img files of the functioning app)
    • .env (file contains constant values)
    • .eslintrc.js (a static code analysis tool file)
    • craco.config.js (configuration layer that provides API docs and plugins)
    • package-lock.json & package.json (files contain info on required packages and their versions to run the app)
    • tailwind.config.json (framework that helps design an element)
    • src/ (contains components and layouts that will be rendered into index.html)
      • index.js & index.css (main file that will be executed and it's corresponding css)
      • App.js & App.css (called by index.js, contains the layout of the dasboard and it is used for page routing)
      • contexts/ContextProvider.js (through useContext, allows all child components to access parents' props)
      • data/ (contains sample images used and dummy.js - which acts like api doc that stores customer, employee, and product info)
      • pages/ (contains pages implemented for the dashboard using syncfusion for UI components)
        • Ecommerce.jsx (home page, displays cards oof other pages)
        • Orders.jsx (pagination functionality)
        • Employees.jsx (search functionality)
        • Customers.jsx (editable table functionality)
        • ColorPicker.jsx (palette functionality)
        • Calendar.jsx (edit, add, drag events functionality)
        • Kanban.jsx (organize tasks/to-dos like JIRA w/ drag functionality)
        • Editor.jsx (type text w/ bold, italicize, underline features)
        • Charts/Area.jsx, Bar.jsx, ColorMapping.jsx, Financial.jsx, Line.jsx, Pie.jsx, Pyramid.jsx, Stacked.jsx (page for each type of graph to display info/data)
      • components/ (contains functionality of elements using React)
        • index.jsx (contains export statements)
        • Button.jsx (button shadow effect when hovered over)
        • Cart.jsx (when clicked on shopping cart, right-side panel opens to display products selected to buy)
        • ChartsHeader.jsx (displays title for each chart page)
        • Chat.jsx (when clicked on messenger icon, small dialogue box pops open to briefly display messages)
        • Footer.jsx (displays copyright info)
        • Header.jsx (displays page titles)
        • Navbar.jsx (navigation bar contains shopping cart, messages, notifactions, userprofile, logo)
        • Notification.jsx (when clicked on notification icon, small dialogue box pops open to briefly display notifications)
        • Sidebar.jsx (collapsible functionality)
        • ThemeSettings.jsx (allows user to select color theme as well as switch between dark & light mode)
        • UserProfile.jsx (when clicked on user icon, small pop-up displays user info)
        • Charts/LineChart.jsx, Pie.jsx, SparkLine.jsx, Stacked.jsx (contains react functionality for some graphs)


An advanced admin dashboard built using React. Completely responsive and mobile friendly. It utilizes React Hooks & components, and Syncfusion for UI components.






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