TreinaDev 12 - Campus Code
Cadê Buffet? is a web application that connects users with a variety of buffets and event types available for hire. Users can browse through a curated selection of buffets and event options, making it easy to find the perfect fit for their needs. Built on Ruby on Rails framework, Cadê Buffet? follows the Test-Driven Development (TDD) methodology to ensure consistensy and reliability. The application allows both guests and registered users to explore buffet listings and event types. However, to hire or rate a specific buffet, users must first create an account and log in.
- User registration: There are two user roles in this application:
- Business Owner should own a buffet. A business owner can not fully complete the account registration before registering a buffet. A business owner is not allowed to register another buffet within the same account.
- Client should register a social security number to complete their registration. Client can search, hire, see details of all available buffets and rate previously hired buffets.
- Buffet Management: the buffet's info can be updated by the associated business owner, who can also archive buffets.
- archived buffets are not visible in the buffet listing, and its details are only accessible to the associated business owner.
- Buffet listing: both authenticated users and visitors can access the buffet listing which includes all unarchived buffets.
- Buffet search: both authenticated users and visitors are able to search a buffet either by social name, city and event name.
- Bufet Rating: is visible on the buffet's details page. The rating consists on a score and a review message, there might be pictures associated.
- Event type management: business owners can register and update event types, which will be associated to the business owner's buffet. Event types can have multiple images attached.
- Event type listing: event type listing is accessible through a buffet's details page.
- Order placement: a client can place an order through a buffet's details page, where the event type is also specified.
- Payment methods: this resource is set by the system and can be associated to multiple buffets.
- Chat: A business owner can start a chat with a client through an order, meaning the same pair of users can have multiple chats through different orders.
- devise
- rspec-rails
- capybara
- jquery-rails
- cpf_cnpj
- turbo-rails
- stimulus-rails
- jsbundling-rails
- cssbundling-rails
- remember to
npm install --global yarn
Clone this repository
git clone [email protected]:kanzakisuemi/buffet-system.git
Then run
bundle install
rails db:setup
Then run
rake assets:precompile
which will compile js and css files
Start the server
rails s
Access through
To login as:
- Client use the following credentials: email:
[email protected]
- Business owner use the following credentials: email:
[email protected]
Welcome to Cade Buffet? API's doc. See our available resources and learn how to consume them with HTTP requests.
This is an Open Source API. Authentication is not required for further queries.
Cade Buffet? provides only one encoding for you to render the data, which is JSON.
We call Buffets, the catering companies.
-- get all the buffet resources/api/v1/buffet/:id/
-- get a specific buffet resource/api/v1/buffets?search=example
-- search for a buffet's social name
Example request:
http http://localhost:3000/api/v1/buffets/1/
Example response:
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"id": 1,
"social_name": "Planalto",
"phone": "4333385038",
"email": "[email protected]",
"address": "Av. Tiradentes, 6429",
"neighborhood": "Parque Ney Braga",
"city": "Londrina",
"state": "PR",
"zip_code": "86072000",
"description": "Buffet para festas grandes e chiques.",
"events_per_day": 1
integer -- the unique identifier for this Buffetsocial_name
string -- the socially used name of this Buffetphone
string -- the phone number to contact this Buffetemail
string -- the email address to contact this Buffetaddress
string -- the full address (street and building number) of this Buffetneighborhood
string -- the name of the neighborhood the Buffet is locatedcity
string -- the name of the city of the Buffet's locationstate
string -- the state code (uppercase and 2 chars)zip_code
string -- the zip/postal code of the Buffet's locationdescription
string -- a brief description of the Buffet and its offeringsevents_per_day
integer -- the maximum number of events this Buffet can host per day
Event Types
We call Event Types, the variety of events a Buffet can cater.
-- get all the event type resources, from a specific buffet/api/v1/event_types/:id/available?
-- check availability for an event on a specific date w/ certain guests amountparams: { order: { event_type_id: integer, event_date: date, guests_estimation: integer } }
Example request:
http http://localhost:3000/api/v1/buffets/1/event_types/
Example response:
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"id": 2,
"category": "birthday",
"name": "Aniversários de Casamento",
"description": "Festa de Bodas e Renovação de Votos.",
"minimal_people_capacity": 150,
"maximal_people_capacity": 230,
"default_duration_minutes": 180,
"food_menu":"Entrada: Camarão Empanado. Prato principal: Refeição Surpresa. Sobremesa: Gelatto.",
"alcoholic_drinks": true,
"decoration": true,
"parking_service": true,
"location_flexibility": false,
"buffet_id": 1,
"base_price": "9000.0",
"weekend_fee": 10,
"per_person_fee": "70.0",
"per_person_weekend_fee": 20,
"per_hour_fee": "400.0",
"per_hour_weekend_fee": 50
"id": 1,
"category": "wedding",
"name": "Casamento de Luxo",
"description": "Casamento para casais de alto padrão.",
"minimal_people_capacity": 200,
"maximal_people_capacity": 400,
"default_duration_minutes": 300,
"food_menu": "Entrada: Camarão Empanado. Prato principal: Risoto de Cogumelos. Sobremesa: Tiramisu.",
"alcoholic_drinks": true,
"decoration": true,
"parking_service": true,
"location_flexibility": false,
"buffet_id": 1,
"base_price": "15000.0",
"weekend_fee": 20,
"per_person_fee": "70.0",
"per_person_weekend_fee": 20,
"per_hour_fee": "400.0",
"per_hour_weekend_fee": 50
integer -- the unique identifier for this Event Typecategory
integer(enum) -- the category of the event (e.g. wedding, birthday)name
string -- the name of the Event Typedescription
string -- a description of the Event Typeminimal_people_capacity
integer -- the minimum guaranteed number of people for this Event Type (if the actual number of guests is less than the minimum, you will still be charged based on the minimum)maximal_people_capacity
integer -- the maximum number of people this Event Type can accommodate (you cannot invite more guests than the Buffet's capacity)default_duration_minutes
integer -- the default duration of the event in minutesfood_menu
string -- the food menu for this Event Typealcoholic_drinks
boolean -- indicates if alcoholic drinks are availabledecoration
boolean -- indicates if decoration is includedparking_service
boolean -- indicates if parking service is availablelocation_flexibility
boolean -- indicates if there is flexibility in choosing the locationbuffet_id
integer -- the identifier of the associated Buffetbase_price
float -- the base price for this Event Typeweekend_fee
integer -- the additional percentage fee for events on weekendsper_person_fee
float -- the fee per personper_person_weekend_fee
integer -- the additional percentage fee per person for weekend eventsper_hour_fee
float -- the fee per hourper_hour_weekend_fee
integer -- the additional percentage fee per hour for weekend events