This card memory game was built as a coding assessment for Thought Foundry.
The major issue with this application is I could not create it on a server. For that reason I couldn't use AJAX to integrate with swagger.yml or easily contribute commits. I also saw that the assests requested from swagger.yml returned some broken urls, so the game includes movie images from google.
When the game loads, it will by default put you into an easy game. To change the game mode, select a difficulty from the menu at the top right of the application.
This game functions like any other memory game, but with a few additional features.
- 4 game modes
- Time limits for each game mode
- Match size adjustment
- Event listener for DOMContentedLoaded
- loadCardFaces()
- wait on game images to load before running loadGame()
- loadGame(2,0)
- wait on game images to load before running loadGame()
- loadCardFaces()
- loadGame(match_size,difficulty)
- resetGame()
- clearNotification()
- if notification exists, remove
- clearTimer()
- clear setInterval timer
- return game settings variables back to default values
- reset timing on visual element
- clear visual card table
- clearNotification()
- setWindowSize()
- load in window height and width into doc_size variable
- gameSetup(match_size,difficulty)
- set game_settings.match_size to match_size
- setDifficulty(difficulty)
- set game_settings.difficulty to difficulty
- set visual game mode element to active, color of active game mode comes from 'difficulty_color_scheme' variable
- loadGameSettings()
- set game_settings.stack_size, game_settings.cols, game_settings.rows
- loadCardSize()
- generate card size to fit screen
- createCardStack()
- loop over card_faces and insert into 'cards' x:match_size times. Insert location is random and found using recursive function insertIntoStack()
- insertIntoStack()
- createGameLayout()
- adjust pre-defined HTML elements to fit the screen (main container, game controls, stack for dealing cards size)
- placeCards()
- create elements for each card and place in the card stack (where cards are dealt from)
- each element is attached with an ontouchstart and onclick event that call playGame(this)
- playGame(element)
- this function controls all card functions:
- check if card is ope, flipped, or game running is false and return false
- if match fails, return cards to closed
- if the difficulty is above medium and match fails, swapCards()
- swapCards()
- grab a random open card and swap it with a random closed card
- swapCards()
- open selected card and push to open card array
- if cards match, keep flipped and add to flipped array
- if flipped cards length matchs size of card stack, end game
- clearTimer()
- set game running status to false
- notify('You Win!')
- this function controls all card functions:
- playGame(element)
- setupGame() called on 1ms delay
- on a delay, move each card to its table position
- when all card positions have been set, startGame()
- startGame()
- notify('Begin!')
- when notification ends, set game running status to true and startTimer()
- startTimer()
- clearTimer()
- ran in this location incase a new game is started while another game is running
- set length of time for game from[game_settings.difficulty]
- setInterval that runs ever second to update game time and end game if time == 0
- notify('Game Over!')
- clearTimer()
- resetGame()