Projects management system.
This project has all the projects worked in open source way. Have some kind of track all the project where you worked can help you to see where you are and with that you can see where you are like software developer on my case because when I see the project where I worked I could say that I have some progress with some technology and have some kind of diary of your software development skills and have some kind of stats and mark some goals for next steps.
This is the main page where is all the project worked, there can be related to open source project or projects where you worked for the companies where you worked like full time job.
These stats will show us the progress of each technology or project that we want to see like a chart and analyse it for future desicions
Project detail is the information displayed to the user to review how was the progress of the project, which goals where been successed and if there is something to analyze there to continue with the progress of the project.
Themes, Priorities.
[] Create details page [] Analyze the stats ideas for the projects [] Add the last updated date to sort them by recent updated [] Add priorities to projects []