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3rd column
3rd column
functionality / design of 3rd column of topogr. view
document level
document level
what to show and what not to show
highlighting in 2nd column of topographical view
reading version - F890 highlighting
reading version - F890 highlighting
highlighting of F890 passages in reading version
reading version - highlighting
reading version - highlighting
General highlighting issues in reading version
reading version - info boxes
reading version - info boxes
representation of info boxes for persons and intertexts
reading version - text
reading version - text
representation of edited text of reading version
Search function (all text views)
topogr. transcr. - placement
topogr. transcr. - placement
placing of text blocks in topographical transcription
topogr. transcr.
topogr. transcr.
the topographical representation of the text
existence / type of problem unclear
needs fixes / additions in xml data