Sudoku Solver
Language: Go
This program is designed to solve valid sudoku puzzles. A valid sudoku puzzle is one that has only one possible solution.
How to Use
Step 1: Installation
Ensure you have Go installed on your system. If not, download and install it from Go's official website.
Step 2: Clone the Repository
Clone this repository to your local machine using the following command:
git clone
Step 3: Navigate to the directory
Navigate to the directory where you cloned the repository.
Step 4: Run the Program
To run the program, use the following command:
go run . <sudoku_string_1> <sudoku_string_2> ... <sudoku_string_9>
Replace <sudoku_string_X> with the strings representing the rows of the sudoku puzzle. Use periods . to represent empty cells.
Examples Example 1: Valid Sudoku
go run . ".96.4...1" "1...6...4" "5.481.39." "..795..43" ".3..8...." "" ".1.63..59" ".59.7.83." "..359...7"
3 9 6 2 4 5 7 8 1
1 7 8 3 6 9 5 2 4
5 2 4 8 1 7 3 9 6
2 8 7 9 5 1 6 4 3
9 3 1 4 8 6 2 7 5
4 6 5 7 2 3 9 1 8
7 1 2 6 3 8 4 5 9
6 5 9 1 7 4 8 3 2
8 4 3 5 9 2 1 6 7
Example 2: Invalid Inputs
go run . 1 2 3 4
go run .
go run . ".96.4...1" "1...6.1.4" "5.481.39." "..795..43" ".3..8...." "" ".1.63..59" ".59.7.83." "..359...7"
Ensure that each sudoku string has exactly 9 characters, representing each cell in the row. Use periods . to represent empty cells.