Hello there! We are BNIAJFI.
Below you will find links to BNIA-made open-source code; living on our github @BNIA org account.
Our @BNIAJFI user account only contains one repo. Contents in this repository aren't used for anything in particular but are special to BNIA and can help in a pinch.
For example, it can be used to redirect you:
- VitalSigns - repo - Contains the .ipynb's to create our Vital Signs. Comes with a library and documentation
- dataplay - repo - The one stop shop to learn about data intake, processing, and visualization. Comes with a library and documentation
- dataguide - repo - This can help guide you on your pythonic development journey. Covers a range of topics
- datalabs - repo - Novel explorations in the data development landscape. Some labs come from our Data Science Core(DSC) students
- BniaFastStat-ext - repo - A Chrome extension to explore BNIA Data. Made in part by our DSC student, Daniel Delgado
- Close-Crawl - repo - Tool for scraping features from Maryland foreclosure court cases
- tidyaddr-js - repo - tidy addr implementation for nodejs. Use with postgres, csv. must have an 'address' column
- bniaBuilder - repo website - Construct websites for data visualization and exploration
- green-pattern-map - repo website - Just the backend for the Green Pattern Map. Built using the bniaBuilder
Items marked
- index*
- core - contains utility fns like preprocessing and analysis
- close_crawl - Scrape, process, and tidyaddr md courts data for foreclosure data
- convertvssheetforwpupload - For internal developer use for publication at bnia
- create_acs_idicators - ACS Creation scrips we use once ACS data has been created
- 90-92-> acsexploredownload, vsacsdownload, vsacsindicator, create_bcountyVitalSigns
- rbintel.ipynb ---- and more indicator creation scripts (by dataset source)
- index - Showsy you how all this can come together
- Download and Load
⚠️ - Download data without the hassel - Merge Data - Perform merges without the hassel
- Map Basics Intake and Operations - Heatmaps, Choropleths, Point-in-Polygons, etc.
- Nb 2 Html* - Converts a IPYNB to interactive html docs.
- Map Correlations Networks
⚠️ - Visualize correlations in a novel way - Time Lapse Gifs - Create Gifs to creativly visualize content.
- github - An intro to github
- colabs - An intro to Colabs
- bashbasics
⚠️ - Apis - An intro to APIS
- webscraping
⚠️ - nbdev* - How to publish Colabs.
- observablehq
⚠️ - cloudfunctions
⚠️ - browserextensions
- index
- scooter exploration
- 211 web scraper
- nbdev create clean publish*
- wordcloud
- amivi meetup
- 04_nb_2_html_tests