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당근 심부름 (Errand) Server

내 근처 이웃에게 필요한 심부름을 부탁하는 서비스 - Karrot MVP Internship Team 5

서비스 운영 기간: 2021.11.23 ~ 2021.12.24 (종료)

Application Infrastructure Diagram

Errand API Docs

📚 Notion Page


  • kassava: kotlin functions for implementing toString(), hashCode() and equals() without all of the boilerplate.
  • mapstruct: for converting objects
  • querydsl: for type-safe SQL-like queries for multiple backends including JPA
  • jackson-module-kotlin: for serialization/deserialization of Kotlin classes and data classes

  • jjwt: generate and decode jwt for each user
  • okhttp3: for making request for Karrot OAPI
  • springfox-boot-starter: for generating swagger UI and API docs (openAPI)
  • thymeleaf: publishing admin static pages

  • spring-cloud-starter-aws: for s3 synchronized client (image upload)
  • awssdk: for s3 asynchronized client
  • midxpanel-java: user event tracking
  • dd-trace: tracing API operation
  • sentry-spring-boot-starter: tracing application Error/Exceptions

  • h2: mock database for testing
  • mockk: for mocking in kotlin unit test


server repository for 'Neighbor errand'



