🔭 I’m currently looking for Internship Opportunities
🌱 I’m currently learning Generative AI and Deep Learning
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Research and Projects
💬 Ask me about Data Science, Programming
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
📄 Know about my experiences https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t6k6SjkcSzG7cuUqC2rNyFIWgA6A4aTW/view?usp=sharing
⚡ Fun fact I love cats (also dogs).
IIT Delhi
- New Delhi
(UTC -12:00) - in/kartikbansiwal
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Data-Mining-Methods-on-MNIST-Dataset PublicAchieved 97.47% accuracy on MNIST with Neural Networks, outperforming Decision Tree, Random Forest, Naive Bayes, and KNN. Used TensorFlow, K-Fold Cross Validation, and Grid Search for evaluation an…
Sentiment-Analysis-of-Billboard-Songs PublicPrepared a dataset of 1000+ Hindi songs using Genius API and web scraping, performed EDA, analyzed trends, and achieved 83.57% accuracy in sentiment analysis using VADER, TextBlob, and fine-tuned m…
Jupyter Notebook
Project-Simulating-1D-Collisions PublicSimulated the collisions of n balls in 1 dimension by predicting the time, location and the balls which collide. Implemented Customized Heap (a modified priority queue) with overall complexity for …
Project-Nearby-Search-Program PublicImplemented a ‘Point Database’ to store the position of all the landmarks in the map using Range Tree data structure. The program efficiently stored landmark data for fast processing of “search nea…
Project-Flow-Of-Traffic PublicCustomized and implemented Dijkstra’s and Ford Fulkerson’s algorithms to find a route between any two points in a graph with various vertices and edges. It deduces the shortest path to travel from …
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