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CSV Upload


Creating a CSV File Reader Full Stack Web Application using MongoDB, ExpressJS, NodeJS, EJS, Express Partials-Layouts, GulpJS. User can upload, read, delele the csv files from the application.

🔗 Important Links

Checkout the Website Web Application

Checkout the Application Demo Video YouTube


  • Upload

The user can upload files in CSV format. Different CSV files with different column headers can be uploaded since the table headers should be dynamic.

  • Display Specific CSV File

The user can view the details of the specific CSV file that he uploaded.

  • Delete Specific CSV File

The user can delete a specific CSV file that he has uploaded.

  • Sort Column Headers

The user can sort the selected column in the table in ASC/DESC order upon clicking the headings.

  • Search

To filter out column headers and search in a specific column header, there is a search box and a filter drop-down. The results will be displayed in the form of rows of tables.

  • Pagination

Users can navigate through the records using the Pagination which displays 100 records per page.

Getting Started With Project

  • Fork the Project in your Repository.
  • Clone the Forked Repository in your Local System.
  • Install & Configure - NodeJS, MongoDB, Robo3T, POSTMAN.
  • Create '.env' file & Set the Environment Variables in it, as per the 'ENV_FORMAT.json' file.
  • Run 'npm install' in GitBash Terminal
  • If you want to run the project in development mode locally then go to '.env' file & set, ENVIRONMENT=development DEPLOYMENT=local
  • If you want to run the project in production mode then go to '.env' file & set, ENVIRONMENT=production DEPLOYMENT=local/other/Heroku/AWS
  • For Development Mode: Run 'npm run dev_start' in GitBash Terminal
  • For Production Mode: Run 'npm run prod_start' in GitBash Terminal

Tools Used

HTML logo CSS logo Javascript logo Bootstrap logo NodeJs logo ExpressJs logo mongoDB Logo Vscode img logo Vscode img logo

Library Used

  • connect-flash

  • connect-mongo

  • cookie-parser

  • cross-fetch

  • crypto

  • del

  • dotenv

  • ejs

  • express

  • express-ejs-layouts

  • express-session

  • gulp-cssnano

  • gulp-imagemin

  • gulp-rev

  • gulp-sass

  • gulp-uglify-es

  • json2csv

  • mongoose

  • morgan

  • multer

  • node-sass-middleware

  • nodemon

  • noty

  • passport

  • passport-google-oauth

  • passport-github

  • passport-local

  • rotating-file-stream

  • Framework: ExpressJS, Bootstrap

  • Database: MongoDB

  • Version Control System: Git

  • VCS Hosting: GitHub

  • Programming / Scripting: Vanilla JavaScript

  • Front-End: SCSS, EJS

  • Runtime Environment: NodeJS

  • Integrated Development Environment: VSCode


Home Page:


Upload CSV File:


CSV File Details:


Search In Table Headers:


Sorting in Desc/Asc Order:
