This project not done 100% yet. but you can run it and play with it. e-commerce and e-commerce-server on vscode terminal both of them and run command => npm install
3.e-commerce run command => ng s -o
4.turn on mysql on local
5.e-commerce-server set config app->config
6.e-commerce-server set server.js =>> see //-- RUN BD Migration
6.1. // ####### 1. //--comment out and run at first time to init DB and Table after that comment it all again
6.2. // ####### 2. //-- comment all no 1. and comment out no 2.
7.e-commerce-server run command => npm run dev
8.Front-end:: localhost:4200 and localhost:4200/admin
9.Back-end:: localhost:5000
10.Create first admin:: localhost:5000/api/auth/signup man
{ "firstname": "", "lastname": "", "phone": "", "username": "", "email": "email", "password": "", "roles":["admin"] }
The default Node.js app that will be pushed into the Swisscom Application Cloud if no source code is provided.
Based on Express.
- Install Node.js and npm
- Run
npm install
- Run
npm run dev
- Visit http://localhost:5000