Firmware for the SAMD21E18A-F microcontroller using Arduino and copied parts of the ASF from Microchip (in lib/asf
Most of the Arduino functions are available. For reference to all the Arduino functions see
Besides this we have functions to control the hardware on the Beehive board. See src/hardware.h
Building the firmware files and uploading it to the microcontroller is easy thanks to PlatformIO.
Just install the PlatformIO plugin for Visual Studio Code and open this folder as a project.
On linux you can use the commandline: pio run -e experiment --target=upload
should be enough.
A test application is availabel that test the following hardware:
- The coils are turned on for a few millisecond at full power. The sense resistor is read to determin the current.
- The hall effect sensors are read out. It is checked wether a proper PWM in signal is detected
To flash this application on the hardware run pio run -e hardware_test --target=upload
If you monitor the serial port you should see it sequantially tests the coils and the hall sensors.