It is an anti spam bot (CLI) with fast speed and free for you! based on [TeleSeed](https://github.com/SEEDTEAM/TeleSeed) and powered by [ADVAN™](http://telegram.me/advantm), this source have an original *Autolaunch* and *Steady script* for your ubuntu server. ***
Creator: [[ JOIN! ]](https://telegram.me/advanbot)
Channel: [[ JOIN! ]](https://telegram.me/joinchat/CbNIGj07Z0YAy3CX5MRQaQ)
Support: [[ JOIN! ]](https://telegram.me/joinchat/Bqy_YT_BXhTWrPiN97yvsg) *** ## You can create an account for free in: |Rank | Name | Adress | |:--------|:----------|:------------| |
`Rank` _(1)_ | Codenvy | [https://codenvy.com](https://codenvy.com) | |
`Rank` _(2)_ | Codeanywhere | [https://codeanywhere.com](https://codeanywhere.com) | |
`Rank` _(3)_ | Cloud9 | [https://C9.io](https://C9.io) | |
`Rank` _(4)_ | Koding | [https://koding.com](https://koding.com) | |
`Rank` _(5)_ | SourceLair | [https://www.sourcelair.com/home](https://www.sourcelair.com) | |
`Rank` _(6)_ | Nitrous | [https://www.nitrous.io/](https://www.nitrous.io) |
##Strong management:
Lock link
Lock spam
Lock flood
Lock media
Lock bots
Lock forward(fwd)
Lock reply
Lock share
Lock tag
Lock number
Lock poker
Lock audio
Lock video
Lock gifs
Lock documents
Lock photo
Lock all
Lock text
Lock inline
Lock cmd
Lock sticker
Lock rtl
Lock strict
Lock tgservice
Public & members
Show mutes list in settings
And ...
| Commands | Usage | |:--------|:----------|:------------| |
[!#/]setlang fa
| تغییر زبان سوپرگروه به فارسی با دستورات انگلیسی
زمانیکه شما در سوپرگروه میباشید |
| Commands | Usage | |:--------|:----------|:------------| |
[!#/]setlang فا
| تغییر زبان چت فارسی با دستورات فارسی
زمانیکه شما در چت میباشید |
Clone Source:
git clone https://github.com/janlou/AdvanSource && cd AdvanSource
install bot:
chmod 700 start.sh
./start.sh install
tmux new-session -s script "bash steady.sh -t"
Now run your bot then enter bot's phone number and join code:
./start.sh -q
And you can start bot with steady script:
./steady.sh -t |
screen ./steady.sh -t |