Module to manage path and http_proxy env variables.
This module is built for use with Puppet v3 on the platforms bellow and supports Ruby versions 1.8.7, 1.9.3, and 2.0.0.
- RedHat
- Suse
- Debian
- Solaris
Whether to set or unset path settings to pass to ensure. Valid values 'present' or 'absent'
- Default: 'present'
- Default: 'undef'
- Default: 'undef'
- Default: 'undef'
Whether to set or unset path settings to pass to env::path::ensure. Valid values 'present' or 'absent'
- Default: 'present'
Name of the file to create or update to pass to env::path::profile_file
- Default: 'path'
Boolean to enable sh support
- Default: 'USE_DEFAULTS'
Boolean to enable csh support
- Default: 'USE_DEFAULTS'
Boolean to enable the merge of hiera array to pass to env::path::enable_hiera_array
- Default: false
Boolean to add already existing path variable to pass to env::path::include_existing_path
- Default: true
Array of directories to pass to env::path::directories
- Default: 'MANDATORY'
env::path::include_existing_path: false
- '/opt/example/bin'
export http_proxy https_proxy HTTP_PROXY HTTPS_PROXY ftp_proxy no_proxy
Whether to set or unset proxy settings to pass to env::proxy::ensure. Valid values 'present' or 'absent'
- Default: 'present'
Name of the file to create or update to pass to env::proxy::profile_file
- Default: 'proxy'
Boolean to enable sh support
- Default: 'USE_DEFAULTS'
Boolean to enable csh support
- Default: 'USE_DEFAULTS'
Boolean to enable the merge of hiera array to pass to env::proxy::enable_hiera_array
- Default: false
String with the proxy url to pass to env::proxy::url
- Default: 'MANDATORY'
Port number to pass to env::proxy::port
- Default: '8080'
Array of exceptions to pass to env::proxy::exceptions
- Default: 'undef'
env::proxy::url: ''
env::proxy::port: 8080
- 'localhost'
- "%{::ipaddress}"
- ''