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dashboard: Update maintainers #76

dashboard: Update maintainers

dashboard: Update maintainers #76

name: Commit Message Check
- opened
- reopened
- synchronize
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
error_msg: |+
See the document below for help on formatting commits for the project.
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
PR_AUTHOR: ${{ github.event.pull_request.user.login }}
name: Commit Message Check
- name: Get PR Commits
if: ${{ !contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'force-skip-ci') }}
id: 'get-pr-commits'
uses: tim-actions/[email protected]
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# Filter out revert commits
# The format of a revert commit is as follows:
# Revert "<original-subject-line>"
# The format of a re-re-vert commit as follows:
# Reapply "<original-subject-line>"
filter_out_pattern: '^Revert "|^Reapply "'
- name: DCO Check
if: ${{ !contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'force-skip-ci') }}
uses: tim-actions/dco@2fd0504dc0d27b33f542867c300c60840c6dcb20
commits: ${{ steps.get-pr-commits.outputs.commits }}
- name: Commit Body Missing Check
if: ${{ !contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'force-skip-ci') && ( success() || failure() ) }}
uses: tim-actions/[email protected]
commits: ${{ steps.get-pr-commits.outputs.commits }}
- name: Check Subject Line Length
if: ${{ (env.PR_AUTHOR != 'dependabot[bot]') && !contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'force-skip-ci') && ( success() || failure() ) }}
uses: tim-actions/[email protected]
commits: ${{ steps.get-pr-commits.outputs.commits }}
pattern: '^.{0,75}(\n.*)*$'
error: 'Subject too long (max 75)'
post_error: ${{ env.error_msg }}
- name: Check Body Line Length
if: ${{ (env.PR_AUTHOR != 'dependabot[bot]') && !contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'force-skip-ci') && ( success() || failure() ) }}
uses: tim-actions/[email protected]
commits: ${{ steps.get-pr-commits.outputs.commits }}
# Notes:
# - The subject line is not enforced here (see other check), but has
# to be specified at the start of the regex as the action is passed
# the entire commit message.
# - This check will pass if the commit message only contains a subject
# line, as other body message properties are enforced elsewhere.
# - Body lines *can* be longer than the maximum if they start
# with a non-alphabetic character or if there is no whitespace in
# the line.
# This allows stack traces, log files snippets, emails, long URLs,
# etc to be specified. Some of these naturally "work" as they start
# with numeric timestamps or addresses. Emails can but quoted using
# the normal ">" character, markdown bullets ("-", "*") are also
# useful for lists of URLs, but it is always possible to override
# the check by simply space indenting the content you need to add.
# - A SoB comment can be any length (as it is unreasonable to penalise
# people with long names/email addresses :)
pattern: '(^[^\n]+$|^.+(\n([a-zA-Z].{0,150}|[^a-zA-Z\n].*|[^\s\n]*|Signed-off-by:.*|))+$)'
error: 'Body line too long (max 150)'
post_error: ${{ env.error_msg }}
- name: Check Subsystem
if: ${{ (env.PR_AUTHOR != 'dependabot[bot]') && !contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'force-skip-ci') && ( success() || failure() ) }}
uses: tim-actions/[email protected]
commits: ${{ steps.get-pr-commits.outputs.commits }}
pattern: '^[\s\t]*[^:\s\t]+[\s\t]*:'
error: 'Failed to find subsystem in subject'
post_error: ${{ env.error_msg }}