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3.3.1 Infinite Line

Jonas de Luna Skulberg edited this page Oct 14, 2023 · 1 revision

Infinite Line

The Infinite Line does not have an end point, it will extend infinitely in both directions through the two specified points.




  • start: InputPosition Start position of the line
  • end: InputPosition End position of the line


  • color: number Color of the line in hex.
  • lineWidth?: number
  • arrowhead?: boolean Whether the line should have an arrowhead.
  • dashed?: boolean Whether the line should be dashed.
  • opacity?: number Opacity of the line.
  • transparent?: boolean Whether the line should be transparent.

Default Parameters:

  color: 0x080007,
  lineWidth: 4,
  arrowhead: false,
  dashed: false,
  opacity: 1,
  transparent: false,

Implemented Methods:

  • collidesWith(other: Object3D): boolean
  • distanceTo(other: Object3D<Event>): number


  • updateGeometry(start: InputPosition, end: InputPosition, arrowhead: boolean, camera: OrthographicCamera) Should be replaced with a method that does not take in camera. Currently you can ignore the camera and use it to set the line position. (1.0.6)
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