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I created the read and guess_udic for spinsolve data, as mentioned in issue jjhelmus#146.
The read function will work on a directory and a filename can be specified, otherwise the standard names are tried.
When I compared to other fileio scripts I realized that I put everything into one function instead of using smaller functions. I can still do this for a next iteration.
I also use the fileio/ script here to read the (optional) .dx file, I'm not sure if that is preferred or if it's better to copy (only) the necessary code here.
guess_udic uses acqu.par file parameters (should be always present), otherwise the .dx file header parameters are used (only when using the .dx file)
  • Loading branch information
LCageman authored and kaustubhmote committed Nov 30, 2021
1 parent 93c2a0c commit 27a7e04
Showing 1 changed file with 233 additions and 0 deletions.
233 changes: 233 additions & 0 deletions nmrglue/fileio/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
Functions for reading Magritek Spinsolve binary (dx/1d) files and
parameter (acqu.par/proc.par) files.

import os
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np

from . import fileiobase
from . import jcampdx

__developer_info__ = """
Spinsolve is the software used on the Magritek benchtop NMR devices.
A spectrum is saved in a folder with several files. The spectral data is
stored in these files: 'data.1d' (FID), 'spectrum.1d' (Fourier transformed)
and 'spectrum_processed.1d' (FT + processed by spinsolve)
Optional spectral data (System->Prefs->Setup->Global data storage):
'nmr_fid.dx' (FID stored in `JCAMP-DX standard <>`),
'spectrum.csv' and 'spectrum_processed.csv' (FT + processed by Spinsovle with ppm for each
point and intensity delimited by ';')
Other files:
'acqu.par' - all parameters that are used for acquisition
'Protocol.par' - text file used to reload data back into the Spinsolve software
'processing.script' - text file to transfer Spinsolve software protocol settings
into MNOVA
The Spinsolve Expert software has a slightly different output:
[Needs to be double checked as I do not have access to this software -LCageman]
- Output into JCAMP-DX is not possible
- 'spectrum_processed.1d' is not generated
- (new) 'fid.1d' - seems to be the same as 'data.1d'
- (new) 'proc.par' - contains processing parameters in the same style as 'acqu.par'
- (new) .pt1 files - seem to be plot files specific for the expert software, cannot
be read by NMRglue

def read(dir='.', specfile=None, acqupar="acqu.par", procpar="proc.par"):
Reads spinsolve files from a directory
When no spectrum filename is given (specfile), the following list is tried, in
that specific order
["nmr_fid.dx", "data.1d", "fid.1d", "spectrum.1d", "spectrum_processed.1d"]
To use the resolution enhanced spectrum use the './Enhanced' folder as input.
Note that spectrum.1d and spectrum_processed.1d contain only data in the
frequency domain, so no Fourier transformation is needed. Also, use
dic["spectrum"]["xaxis"] to plot the x-axis
dir : str
Directory to read from
specfile : str, optional
Filename to import spectral data from. None uses standard filename from:
["nmr_fid.dx", "data.1d", "fid.1d", "spectrum.1d", "spectrum_processed.1d"]
acqupar : str, optional
Filename for acquisition parameters. None uses standard name.
procpar : str, optional
Filename for processing parameters. None uses standard name.
dic : dict
All parameters that can be present in the data folder:
dic["spectrum"] - First bytes of spectrum(_processed).1d
dic["acqu"] - Parameters present in acqu.par
dic["proc"] - Parameters present in proc.par
dic["dx"] - - Parameters present in the header of nmr_fid.dx
data : ndarray
Array of NMR data

if os.path.isdir(dir) is not True:
raise IOError("directory %s does not exist" % (dir))

# Create empty dic
dic = {"spectrum": {}, "acqu": {}, "proc":{}, "dx":{}}

# Read in acqu.par and write to dic
acqupar = os.path.join(dir, acqupar)
if os.path.isfile(acqupar):
with open(acqupar, "r") as f:
info = f.readlines()
for line in info:
line = line.replace("\n", "")
k, v = line.split("=")
dic["acqu"][k.strip()] = v.strip()

# Read in proc.par and write to dic
procpar = os.path.join(dir,procpar)
if os.path.isfile(procpar):
with open(procpar, "r") as f:
info = f.readlines()
for line in info:
line = line.replace("\n", "")
k, v = line.split("=")
dic["proc"][k.strip()] = v.strip()

# Define which spectrumfile to take, using 'specfile' when defined, otherwise
# the files in 'priority_list' are tried, in that particular order
priority_list = ["nmr_fid.dx", "data.1d", "fid.1d", "spectrum.1d", "spectrum_processed.1d", None]
if specfile:
inputfile = os.path.join(dir, specfile)
if not os.path.isfile(inputfile):
raise IOError("File %s does not exist" % (inputfile))
for priority in priority_list:
if priority == None:
raise IOError("directory %s does not contain spectral data" % (dir))
inputfile = os.path.join(dir, priority)
if os.path.isfile(inputfile):

# Detect which file we are dealing with from the extension and read in the spectral data
# Reading .dx file using existing nmrglue.fileio.jcampdx module
if inputfile.split('.')[-1] == "dx":
dic["dx"], raw_data =
data = np.empty((int(dic["dx"]["$TD"][0]), ), dtype='complex128')
data = raw_data[0][:] + 1j * raw_data[1][:]

# Reading .1d files
elif inputfile.split('.')[-1] == "1d":
with open(inputfile, "rb") as f:
raw_data =

# Write out parameters from the first 32 bytes into dic["spectrum"]
keys = ["owner", "format", "version", "dataType", "xDim", "yDim", "zDim", "qDim"]
for i, k in enumerate(keys):
start = i * 4
end = start + 4
value = int.from_bytes( raw_data[start:end], "little")
dic["spectrum"][k] = value
data = np.frombuffer(raw_data[end:], "<f")

# The first 1/3 of the file is xaxis data (s or ppm)
split = data.shape[-1] // 3
xscale = data[0 : split]
dic["spectrum"]["xaxis"] = xscale

# The rest is real and imaginary data points interleaved
data = data[split : : 2] + 1j * data[split + 1 : : 2]

raise IOError("File %s cannot be interpreted, use .dx or .1d instead" % (inputfile))

return dic,data

def guess_udic(dic,data):
Guess parameters of universal dictionary from dic, data pair.
dic : dict
Dictionary of JCAMP-DX, acqu, proc and spectrum parameters.
data : ndarray
Array of NMR data.
udic : dict
Universal dictionary of spectral parameters.

# Create an empty universal dictionary
udic = fileiobase.create_blank_udic(1)

# Update defalt parameters, first acqu.par parameters in dic are tried, then JCAMP-DX header parameters
# size
if data is not None:
udic[0]["size"] = len(data)
warn('No data, cannot set udic size')

# sw
udic[0]['sw'] = float(dic['acqu']['bandwidth']) * 1000
except KeyError:
udic[0]['sw'] = float(dic['dx']['$SW'][0]) * float(dic['dx']['$BF1'][0])
except KeyError:
if dic["spectrum"]["freqdata"]:
udic[0]['sw'] = dic["spectrum"]["xaxis"][-1] - dic["spectrum"]["xaxis"][0]
elif data is not None:
udic[0]['sw'] = len(data) / dic["spectrum"]["xaxis"][-1]
warn("Cannot set spectral width - set manually using: 'udic[0]['sw'] = x' where x is the spectral width in Hz")
except KeyError:
warn("Cannot set spectral width - set manually using: 'udic[0]['sw'] = x' where x is the spectral width in Hz")

# obs
udic[0]['obs'] = float(dic['acqu']['b1Freq'])
except KeyError:
udic[0]['obs'] = float(dic['dx']['$BF1'][0])
except KeyError:
warn("Cannot set observe frequency - set manually using: 'udic[0]['obs'] = x' where x is magnetic field in MHz")

# car
udic[0]['car'] = float(dic['acqu']['lowestFrequency']) + (float(dic['acqu']['bandwidth']) * 1000 / 2)
except KeyError:
udic[0]['car'] = (float(dic['dx']['$REFERENCEPOINT'][0]) * -1 ) + (float(dic['dx']['$SW'][0]) * udic[0]['obs'] / 2)
except KeyError:
udic[0]['car'] = (float(dic['dx']['$BF1'][0]) - float(dic['dx']['$SF'][0])) * 1000000
except KeyError:
warn("Cannot set carrier - try: 'udic[0]['car'] = x * udic[0]['obs']' where x is the center of the spectrum in ppm")

# label
udic[0]['label'] = dic['acqu']['rxChannel']
except KeyError:
label_value = dic['dx'][".OBSERVENUCLEUS"][0].replace("^", "")
udic[0]["label"] = label_value
except KeyError:
warn("Cannot set observed nucleus label")

#keys left to default
# udic[0]['complex']
# udic[0]['encoding']
# udic[0]['time'] = True
# udic[0]['freq'] = False
return udic

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