- Citation
- Principle of DANTE_LTR
- Availability
- Installation
- Quick start guide - How to use DANTE and DANTE_LTR on Galaxy server
- Quick start guide - How to use command line version of DANTE and DANTE_LTR
- Tools description
- GFF3 DANTE_LTR output specification
- Modifying LTR-RT search constrains
Tool for identifying complete LTR retrotransposons based on analysis of protein domains identified with the DANTE tool. Both DANTE and DANTE_LTR are available on Galaxy server.
Novak, P., Hostakova, N., Neumann, P., Macas, J. (2024) – DANTE and DANTE_LTR: lineage-centric annotation pipelines for long terminal repeat retrotransposons in plant genomes. NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 6:113. [https://doi.org/10.1093/nargab/lqae113]
Complete retrotransposons are identified as clusters of protein domains recognized by the DANTE tool. The domains in the clusters must be assigned to a single retrotransposon lineage by DANTE. In addition, the orientation and order of the protein domains, as well as the distances between them, must conform to the characteristics of elements from REXdb database Neumann et al. (2019). In the next step, the 5' and 3' regions of the putative retrotransposon are examined for the presence of 5' and 3' long terminal repeats. If 5'- and 3'-long terminal repeats are detected, detection of target site duplication (TSD) and primer binding site (PSB) is performed. The detected LTR retrotranspsons are classified into 5 categories:
- Elements with protein domains, 5'LTR, 3'LTR, TSD and PBS - rank DLTP.
- Elements with protein domains, 5'LTR, 3'LTR, and PBS (TSD was not found) Rank DLP.
- Elements with protein domains, 5' LTR, 3'LTR, TSD (PBS was not found) - rank DLT.
- Elements with protein domains, 5'LTR and 3'LTR (PBS and TDS were not found) - rank DL.
- Elements as clusters of protein domains with the same classification, no LTRs - rank D.
DANTE_LTR and DANTE are available on Galaxy server or can be installed using conda package manager.
conda create -n dante_ltr -c bioconda -c conda-forge -c petrnovak dante_ltr
Important version information DANTE_LTR versions up to are compatible with REXdb Viridiplante database version 3.0. Versions >=4.0.1 are compatible with REXdb Viridiplante database version 3.0 and 4.0. REXdb Viridiplantae v 4.0 include additional LTR-RT lineages characterized non-angiosperm species. Updated REXdb and used classification system can be found https://github.com/repeatexplorer/rexdb.
Detailed tutorial on how to use DANTE and DANTE_LTR on Galaxy server is here.
conda create -n dante_ltr -c bioconda -c conda-forge -c petrnovak dante_ltr= dante=0.2.0
conda activate dante_ltr
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kavonrtep/dante_ltr/main/test_data/sample_genome.fasta
dante -q sample_genome.fasta -o DANTE_output.gff3 -c 10
Output will contain annotation of individual protein domains identified by DANTE stored in GFF3 file named DANTE_output.gff3
. Check DANTE documentation for more details (https://github.com/kavonrtep/dante)
dante_ltr -g DANTE_output.gff3 -s sample_genome.fasta -o DANTE_LTR_annotation -M 1
Option -M 1
will allow one missing domain in the complete LTR retrotransposon.
Output files will include:
- Annotation of all identified elementsDANTE_LTR_annotation_statistics.csv
- number of elements in individual categoriesDANTE_LTR_annotation_summary.html
- graphical summary of the results
dante_ltr_to_library -g DANTE_LTR_annotation.gff3 -s sample_genome.fasta -o LTR_RT_library.fasta
This step will create non-redundant library of LTR-RT sequences suitable for similarity based annotation using RepeatMasker.
usage: dante_ltr [-h] -g GFF3 -s REFERENCE_SEQUENCE -o OUTPUT [-c CPU]
[-v] [--te_constrains TE_CONSTRAINS] [--no_ambiguous_domains]
Tool for identifying complete LTR retrotransposons based on
analysis of protein domains identified with the DANTE tool
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g GFF3, --gff3 GFF3 gff3 file with full output from Domain Based Annotation of Transposable Elements (DANTE)
reference sequence as fasta file
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output file path and prefix
-c CPU, --cpu CPU number of CPUs
Minimum relative length of protein domain to be considered for retrostransposon detection
-S MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, --max_chunk_size MAX_CHUNK_SIZE
If size of reference sequence is greater than this value, reference is '
'analyzed in chunks of this size. default is 100000000 '
'Setting this value too small will slow down the analysis
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
--te_constrains TE_CONSTRAINS
csv table specifying TE constraints for LTR search, template for this table
can be found in https://github.com/kavonrtep/dante_ltr/blob/main/databases/lineage_domain_order.csv
Remove ambiguous domains from analysis
mkdir -p tmp
./dante_ltr -g test_data/sample_DANTE.gff3 -s test_data/sample_genome.fasta -o tmp/ltr_annotation
- annotation of all identified elementsprefix_D.fasta
- partial elements with protein domainsprefix_DL.fasta
- elements with protein domains and LTRprefix_DLTP.fasta
- elements with domains, LTR, TSD and PBSprefix_DLP.fasta
- elements with domains, LTR and PBSprefix_DLT.fasta
- elements with domains, LTR, TSDprefix_statistics.csv
- number of elements in individual categoriesprefix_summary.html
- graphical summary of the results
If you want to annotate LTR RT elements with custom library using similarity based approach, you can use
script wich will create non-redundant library which is
formatted for RepeatMasker:
usage: dante_ltr_to_library [-h] -g GFF3 -s REFERENCE_SEQUENCE -o OUTPUT_DIR [-m MIN_COVERAGE] [-c CPU]
Creation of repeat library from dante_ltr output. Extract sequences based on gff3 inpute and reference fasta file. Run mmseqs2 clustering to cluster similar sequences to reduce library size. Exclude
clusters which have conflicting annotations and coverage below specified threshold.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g GFF3, --gff3 GFF3 gff3 file
fasta file
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
output directory
-m MIN_COVERAGE, --min_coverage MIN_COVERAGE
Minimum coverage of cluster to be included in repeat library (default: 3)
-c CPU, --cpu CPU Number of cpus to use
Types of features in GFF3:
- target_site_duplication: This feature represents sort direct repeats around the insertion site of a transposable element.
- transposable_element: This is the main feature representing the full extent of a transposable element within the genome.
- long_terminal_repeat (LTR): These are the direct repeats at the element's termini.
- protein_domain: This feature indicates a specific polyprotein domain identified by DANTE.
- primer_binding_site: This feature represents the site where a tRNA primer binds to initiate reverse transcription.
Attributes of features in GFF3:
- Rank: Rank of the elements (D, DL, DLT, DLP, DLTP) as described above
- Parent: Indicates the parent feature of the current feature, here a transposable element ID.
- Ndomains: The number of protein domains found within a transposable element.
- ID: A unique identifier for the feature.
- LTR_Identity: The percentage of sequence identity between 5' and 3' LTR sequences.
- LTR5_length and LTR3_length: The lengths of the 5' and 3' LTRs, respectively.
- TSD (Target Site Duplication): The sequence of the target site duplication.
- Final_Classification: A hierarchical classification of the transposable element based on REXdb classification system
- Name: The attibute is part of DANTE output and correspod to name of protein domain (RT. RH, PROT, ...)
- trna_id: The identifier for the tRNA related to the primer binding site.
- PBS_evalue: The E-value associated with the primer binding site.
- Best_Hit: Information about the best match of the protein domain to a known database entry.
- Best_Hit_DB_Pos: Position of the best hit within the database sequence.
- DB_Seq: The database sequence that corresponds to the best hit.
- Region_Seq: The sequence of the region where the query sequence was aligned to the database sequence.
- Query_Seq: The sequence of the query used to find the best hit.
- Identity: The percentage identity of the best hit match.
- Similarity: The similarity score of the best hit match.
- Relat_Length: The relative length of the match compared to the database sequence.
- Relat_Interruptions: Indicates the relative number of interruptions in the domain sequence.Interuption could be either stop codon or frameshift.
- Hit_to_DB_Length: The length of the hit compared to the database sequence length.
It is possible to modify constraints for LTR search by providing a csv table with constraints for individual lineages.
The table has the following format:
Lineage | Domains order | offset5prime | offset3prime | domain_span | ltr_length |
Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Ale | GAG PROT INT RT RH | 2000 | 2000 | 5700 | 123 |
Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Alesia | GAG PROT INT RT RH | 2000 | 3000 | 5400 | 273 |
Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Angela | GAG PROT INT RT RH | 6000 | 3000 | 5500 | 1074 |
Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Bianca | GAG PROT INT RT RH | 3500 | 3000 | 6000 | 132 |
Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Bryco | GAG PROT INT RT RH | 3000 | 3000 | 5000 | 287 |
Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Gymco-I | GAG PROT INT RT RH | 3500 | 2500 | 5400 | 151 |
Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Gymco-II | GAG PROT INT RT RH | 2000 | 6000 | 4600 | 156 |
Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Gymco-III | GAG PROT INT RT RH | 2000 | 2000 | 5400 | 247 |
Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Gymco-IV | GAG PROT INT RT RH | 2000 | 2000 | 5400 | 276 |
Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Ikeros | GAG PROT INT RT RH | 6500 | 3000 | 6100 | 359 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Domain order
column defines the order of individual protein domains required for positive detection of the elements. -
The number in the
column is the size of the upstream region used to search for the 5' LTR, while theoffset3prime
is the size of the downstream region used to search for the 3' LTR (These values correspond to yellowish and greenish boxes in the figure above). -
is the maximal distance between N' end of first domain and the C' end of the last domain of the element.
Modify these constraints if you think that the default constraints lead to under-detection of elements whose structure deviates from the default constraints. Setting offset5prime
, offset3prime
or domain_span
too high can however lead to the detection of aberrant or chimeric elements.
- The
is the shortest LTR for given lineage in REXdb database. The use of this value is currently not implemented in DANTE_LTR.
To use modified constrains use dante_ltr
with option --te_constrains
and provide the path to the modified csv table.
The full table with default constraints can be found in