New version of RepeatExplorer with TAndem REpeat ANalyzer
Petr Novak, Jiri Macas, Pavel Neumann Biology Centre CAS, Czech Republic
We recommend to use RepeatExplorer2 through Galaxy based web interface on our public server at address This server is provided as part of the Elixir CZ project and is maintained by CESNET and CERIT-SC that are participants of this project. Server provide sufficient computational resources for full scale RepeatExplorer2 or TAREAN analysis. This Galaxy server also include all necessary tools for data preprocessing and QC and some additional tools for repeat annotation.
Step by step protocols how to use RepeatExplorer on Galaxy server were published in Nature Protocols
Free link to the full-text:
Four protocols are included:
- De novo repeat identification in a single species
- Comparative repeat analysis in a set of species
- Development of satellite DNA probes for cytogenetic experiments
- Identification of centromeric repeats based on ChIP-seq data
If you prefer to use command line version of RepeatExplorer2 and TAREAN, read the instruction below.
this repository was trasfered from bitbucket ( on 2023-11-30. link
To use RepeatExplorer without installation, we recommend our freely available Galaxy server at This server is provided in frame of the ELIXIR-CZ project. The Galaxy server includes also additional tools useful for data preprocessing, quality control and genome annotation.
For installing command-line version, follow the instruction below:
Download source code using git command:
git clone
cd repex_tarean
We recommend to install dependencies using conda (conda can be installed using miniconda). The required environment can be prepared using command:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Then activate the prepared environment using:
conda activate repeatexplorer
In the repex_tarean
direcory compile the source and prepare databases using:
Support for 32-bit executables is required. If you are using Ubuntu distribution you can add 32-bit support by running:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386
To verify the installation, run RepeatExplorer clustering on the provided example data:
./seqclust -p -v tmp/clustering_output test_data/LAS_paired_10k.fas
Singularity container is available from singularity hub. Multiple versions of
repeatexplorer are available. See singularity conainted definiton for
available versions. To run latest version use:
. To use specific version use e.g.
Example of running RepeatExplorer2 using singularity:
get help:
singularity exec shub://repeatexplorer/repex_tarean seqclust --help
run clustering in working directory:
mkdir working_dir && cd working_dir
# get test data - fasta file with paired reads in interlaced format
singularity exec --bind ${PWD}:/data/ shub://repeatexplorer/repex_tarean seqclust -p -v /data/re_output /data/LAS_paired_10k.fas
output will be locate in working_dir/re_output
Singularity is prefered option but RepeatExplorer2 can be also run using Docker container(( using following commands:
# see help:
docker run kavonrtep/repeatexplorer:2.3.8 /repex_tarean/seqclust --help
# create working directory
mkdir working_dir && cd working_dir
# get test data - fasta file withj paired reads in interlaced format
# run clustering on test data in working directory
docker run -v ${PWD}:/data kavonrtep/repeatexplorer:2.3.8 /repex_tarean/seqclust -p -v /data/re_output /data/LAS_paired_10k.fas
# output will be locate in working_dir/re_output
Repeatexplorer2 utilizes REXdb database of protein domains for repeat annotation and classification. Structure of the database is described at REXdb is distributed together with RepeatExplorer source code (database
usage: seqclust [-h] [-p] [-A] [-t] [-l LOGFILE] [-m {float range 0.0..100.0}]
[-M {0,float range 0.1..1}] [-o {float range 30.0..80.0}]
[-a {2,3,4,5}]
Repetitive sequence discovery and clasification from NGS data
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p, --paired
-A, --automatic_filtering
-t, --tarean_mode analyze only tandem reapeats without additional classification
-l LOGFILE, --logfile LOGFILE
log file, logging goes to stdout if not defines
-m {float range 0.0..100.0}, --mincl {float range 0.0..100.0}
-M {0,float range 0.1..1}, --merge_threshold {0,float range 0.1..1}
threshold for mate-pair based cluster merging, default 0 - no merging
-o {float range 30.0..80.0}, --min_lcov {float range 30.0..80.0}
minimal overlap coverage - relative to longer sequence length, default 55
-c CPU, --cpu CPU number of cpu to use, if 0 use max available
-s SAMPLE, --sample SAMPLE
use only sample of input data[by default max reads is used
If you wish to keep part of the sequences name,
enter the number of characters which should be
kept (1-10) instead of zero. Use this setting if
you are doing comparative analysis
-v OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
-r MAX_MEMORY, --max_memory MAX_MEMORY
Maximal amount of available RAM in kB if not set
clustering tries to use whole available RAM
fasta file with database for annotation and name of database
-C, --cleanup remove unncessary large files from working directory
-k, --keep_names keep sequence names, by default sequences are renamed
-a {2,3,4,5}, --assembly_min {2,3,4,5}
Assembly is performed on individual clusters, by default
clusters with size less then 5 are not assembled. If you
want need assembly of smaller cluster set *assmbly_min*
Select taxon and protein database version
Detection of protein domains can be performed by either blastx or
diamond" program. options are:
BLASTX_W2 - blastx with word size 2 (slowest, the most sesitive)
BLASTX_W3 - blastx with word size 3 (default)
DIAMOND - diamond program (significantly faster, less sensitive)
To use this option diamond program must be installed in your PATH
RepeatExplorer can be installed on Galaxy server from toolshed repository
To make clustering reproducible between runs with the same data, environment variable PYTHONHASHSEED must be set:
Large sqlite database for temporal data is created in OS-specific temp directory- usually /tmp/
To use alternative location, it is necessary to specify TEMP
environment variable.
Resources requirements can be set either from command line arguments --max-memory
and --cpu
using environment variables TAREAN_MAX_MEM
. If not set, the pipeline will use all
available resources
If you use RepeatExplorer for general repeat characterization in your work please cite:
If you use TAREAN for satellite detection and characterization please cite: