This is a 3D Face Recognizer, a.k.a. 2.5D Face Recognizer in many cases, implemented with PyTorch
Another implementation with tensorflow can be found there.
Given a pair of an RGB image and a depth image, that is, a four-dimensional image, the recognizer needs to recognize the face in the image.
The following is a detailed description of the dataset.
- Pretrained RGB models (3-channel input)
- Pretrained RGB-D models (4-channel input)
- Data-parallel Multi-GPU training
- Data-parallel distributed training (DDL)
- Prediction script
- Training with triplet loss
- Face encoder to generate face embedding
Dataset is available from [here] The data set contains 403,067 pairs of face images of 1,208 people. Each pair of face images is registered and contains an RGB image and a depth image.
I use ResNet50
models (CNN) for feature extraction, whose input channel is slighted modified so that 4D channel images can be used as data inputs.
I am about to compare the performance of some different classification loss functions, such as softmax
, triplet loss
, etc.
Below are some of the trained models and their accuracy on the dataset. The list will continue to be updated, please keep your attention.
Model Name | Architecture | Accuracy | Descriptions |
RGB-ResNet50-from-imagenet.pkl | RGB ResNet50 | 94.47% | Pretrained on ImageNet.
RGB-D-ResNet50-from-scratch.pkl | RGB-D ResNet50 | 88.36% | Training from scratch.
RGB-D-ResNet50-from-imagenet.pkl | RGB-D ResNet50 | 94.64% | Pretrained on ImageNet.
pip install -r requirements
The model should be fed with images of fixed size, therefore we need to perform face alignment first.
Please refer to the code of davidsandberg/facenet.
export PYTHONPATH=${PWD}/src
python preprocess/align/ \
--input_dir /mnt/sdb/vggface3 \
--output_dir /mnt/sdb/vggface3_align \
--image_size 182 \
--margin 44 \
--random_order \
--thread_num 3 \
--gpu_memory_fraction 0.88
To split the whole dataset randomly into 3 sub-datasets, (i.e., training dataset, evaluation dataset, test dataset), by generating 3 corresponding csv files to record the paths and labels of each images.
python preprocess/
After that, the file structure of the data set is as follows.
|── train.csv
|── eval.csv
|── test.csv
|── dirty.csv
├── n000853
│ ├── 0001_03.npy
│ ├── 0001_03.png
│ ├── 0002_01.npy
│ ├── 0002_01.png
│ ├── 0003_01.npy
│ ├── 0003_01.png
│ ├── 0004_01.npy
│ ├── ......
Multi-GPU training will be supported soon.
python --train_dataset_csv '~/vggface3d_sm/train.csv' \
--eval_dataset_csv '~/vggface3d_sm/eval.csv' \
--pretrained_on_imagenet \
--input_channels 4 \
--num_of_classes 1200 \
--num_of_epochs 50 \
--num_of_workers 8 \
--log_base_dir './logs'
Click to see the usage.
usage: [-h] [--train_dataset_csv TRAIN_DATASET_CSV]
[--eval_dataset_csv EVAL_DATASET_CSV]
[--pretrained_model_path PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH]
[--pretrained_optim_path PRETRAINED_OPTIM_PATH]
[--input_channels INPUT_CHANNELS]
[--num_of_classes NUM_OF_CLASSES]
[--num_of_epochs NUM_OF_EPOCHS]
[--image_size IMAGE_SIZE] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
[--num_of_workers NUM_OF_WORKERS]
[--logs_base_dir LOGS_BASE_DIR]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--train_dataset_csv TRAIN_DATASET_CSV
The path of csv file where to write paths of training
--eval_dataset_csv EVAL_DATASET_CSV
The path of csv file where to write paths of
validation images.
(bool) Whether to load the imagenet pretrained model.
--pretrained_model_path PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH
Load a pretrained model before training starts.
--pretrained_optim_path PRETRAINED_OPTIM_PATH
Load a optimizer before training starts.
--input_channels INPUT_CHANNELS
Number of channels of the first input layer.
--num_of_classes NUM_OF_CLASSES
Number of channels of the last output layer.
--num_of_epochs NUM_OF_EPOCHS
Number of epochs to run.
--image_size IMAGE_SIZE
Image size (height, width) in pixels.
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Number of images to process in a batch.
--num_of_workers NUM_OF_WORKERS
Number of subprocesses to use for data loading.
--logs_base_dir LOGS_BASE_DIR
Directory where to write event logs and save models.
python \
--pretrained_model_path ./RGB-D-ResNet50-from-scratch.pkl \
--num_of_workers 8
Click to see the usage.
usage: [-h] [--test_dataset_csv TEST_DATASET_CSV]
[--pretrained_model_path PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH]
[--input_channels INPUT_CHANNELS]
[--num_of_classes NUM_OF_CLASSES]
[--image_size IMAGE_SIZE] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
[--num_of_workers NUM_OF_WORKERS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--test_dataset_csv TEST_DATASET_CSV
The path of csv file where to write paths of test
--pretrained_model_path PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH
The path of the pretrained model.
--input_channels INPUT_CHANNELS
Number of channels of the first input layer.
--num_of_classes NUM_OF_CLASSES
Number of channels of the last output layer.
--image_size IMAGE_SIZE
Image size (height, width) in pixels.
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Number of images to process in a batch.
--num_of_workers NUM_OF_WORKERS
Number of subprocesses to use for data loading.
Available soon.