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How to run


  • Ensure that Docker is installed on your system.


  1. Clone this project repository and navigate to it using your terminal or command prompt.

  2. Move to the docker folder within the project directory.

  3. Run the following command to start the Docker containers:

    docker compose up -d
  4. Once the containers are up and running, you can access the different components of the application through the following URLs:

    1. You can perform the health check for the order-api by visiting: http://localhost:8080/api/actuator/health.

    2. To perform the health check for the restaurant-api, navigate to: http://localhost:8081/api/actuator/health.

    3. For database connection details please refer to the docker compose file.

    4. Grafana, the monitoring tool, can be accessed at: http://localhost:3000

    5. To communicate with the order-api, you have the flexibility to utilize various REST clients, such as Postman. For this example, I've employed the JetBrains HTTP Client plugin. Simply navigate to the http folder and access the requests file. Within this file, you'll find two distinct APIs available:

      1. POST: This endpoint is designed for the creation of new orders.

        Sample Request

          "restaurant_id" : 1,
          "customer_id": 2,
          "delivery_address": "14 Avenue, SW, Calgary",
          "items" : [
              "item_id": 2,
              "quantity": 5,
              "notes": "NOTE-1"
              "item_id": 3,
              "quantity": 6,
              "notes": "NOTE-2"

        Sample Response

          "order_id": 1,
          "order_status": "PROCESSING",
          "billing_amount": 137.89,
          "timestamp": "2023-09-12T01:49:54.538437803Z"
      2. GET: Use this endpoint to inquire about the current status of an order.

        Sample Request


        Sample Response

           "order_id": 1,
           "order_status": "APPROVED"
  5. Please find the simple workflow of this project. Workflow

  6. Here is a screenshot of Order API POST call. We can see what are all the operations (DB, API and Kafka producer and consumer) has been called between order-api and restaurant-api.


Design Diagram

The backend of the food delivery application can be divided into several microservices to achieve scalability and maintainability.

FDB design


API Gateway


Acts as a single entry point for client requests and routes them to the appropriate microservices.


  • Authentication and authorization of incoming requests.
  • Request routing based on the requested service or functionality.
  • Load balancing for distributing traffic across multiple instances of microservices.
  • Error handling and response formatting for clients.


Spring Cloud Gateway or a similar API Gateway solution.

User Service


Manages user accounts and authentication.


  • Handles user registration, login, and user profile management.


Spring Boot with Spring Security.

Restaurant Service


Manages restaurant-related data like menu items and other operations.


  • Provides APIs for listing all restaurants in the city.
  • Supports applying filters such as distance radius, opening hours, and cuisine.
  • Handles restaurant information storage and retrieval.
  • Stores and retrieves menu items for each restaurant.
  • Provides APIs for querying menu items.


Spring Boot with Spring Data JPA for data storage and Spring Web for APIs.

Order Service


Handles the order management process.


  • Manages customer orders, including order placement, updates, and cancellations.
  • Communicates with restaurants for order processing.
  • Supports order tracking.
  • Handles asynchronous events using Kafka for order status updates.


Spring Boot, Web, Data JPA, Kafka for event-driven communication.

Payment Service


Manages billing and checkout processes.


  • Integrates with third-party payment gateways for payment processing.
  • Validates and processes payments for completed orders.


Spring Boot with payment gateway integration (e.g., Stripe or PayPal).

Notification Service


Handles communication between the application and users/restaurants.


  • Sends notifications (e.g., email, SMS, push notifications) to users about order updates, promotions, etc.
  • Facilitates communication between users and restaurants (e.g., order confirmations, issue resolution).

Technology: Kafka for event-driven communication and email/SMS/push notification integrations using AWS SNS.

Choice of Technologies

Java 17: Latest long-term support (LTS) version of Java.

Spring Boot: Simplifies building production-ready applications, with built-in features like Spring Web, Data JPA, Actuator, and more.

MySQL 8: A popular and reliable relational database for storing data.

Kafka: Used for asynchronous event-driven communication between microservices. For example, when an order is placed, it can trigger events to update order status and notify the user.

Validation: Spring Validation can be used to validate incoming requests.

Lombok: Simplifies Java code by reducing boilerplate code.

Micrometer: Helps with application metrics and tracing for monitoring.

TestContainers, AssertJ, Awaitility, Rest Assured: For testing and ensuring code quality.

Application Packaging and Deployment

  • Package each microservice as a Spring Boot embedded JAR for easy deployment.
  • Use containerization (Docker) for each microservice for consistent deployment across different environments.
  • Deploy microservices on a container orchestration platform like Kubernetes for scalability and reliability.


  • Consider implementing a queuing mechanism (e.g., Kafka) to handle asynchronous tasks like order payment integration, user details update and other notifications.
  • We could also implement rate limiting and security measures to protect against abuse.


Scalability: Depending on the application's growth, scaling may become a challenge. Use container orchestration to address this.

Complexity: Microservices architecture introduces complexity in terms of communication and management. Proper monitoring and logging are crucial.