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Releases: kcuilla/reactablefmtr

reactablefmtr 2.0.0

18 Jun 13:57
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reactablefmtr 2.0.0

New Features

add_legend() & add_icon_legend()

  • Place a legend below a reactable table
  • add_legend() can be used to display the color palette used within the table
  • add_icon_legend() can be used to display the icon set used within icon_sets()
  • The legends can be aligned to either the right or left of the table
  • A title and/or footer can be added to the legend with title or footer
  • The number of bins displayed within add_legend() can be adjusted with bins


  • Embed an image from the web into the background of a cell
  • Unlike embed_img(), an image within background_img() will take up the entire contents of a cell
  • background_img() can also be used in conjunction with embed_img()


  • Build a customizable bubble grid chart
  • The size of the bubbles are in relation to the values within each column - the bigger the value, the bigger the size of the bubble
  • The shapes of the bubble can either be circles or squares specified by shape


  • cell_style() can be used to customize the appearance of certain cells within a table. For example, if you wanted to display a particular value or set of values in a column as bold and in red text, you can do so by specifying either the row number or values themselves
  • Custom styling options include: the color, size, style, and weight of the font within the cell, the color, width, and style of the border around the cell, the vertical and horizontal alignment within the cell, and the background color of the cell. Animation is also applied to cell_style() by default, but can be turned off by setting to 'none'


  • Build a customizable gauge chart
  • Show the minimum and maximum values of the column on the gauge by setting show_min_max to TRUE
  • Many options that are available in data_bars() are available in gauge_chart()



  • Add a styled border beneath rows of specified groups on sort
  • Credit to Greg Lin, creator of {reactable} for writing the JS function


  • Hide rows containing duplicate values on sort
  • Credit to Greg Lin, creator of {reactable} for writing the JS function


  • Apply HTML attributes to to text within add_title(), add_subtitle(), and add_source() with the html() helper function


  • Merge and arrange two columns together
  • Can be used with both numeric and non-numeric columns
  • Control the appearance of both the established column and the merged text with options such as text size, color, font weight, font style, and text decoration


  • pill_buttons() can be used to surround text or numeric values in a colored pill button. It is similar to color_tiles() but is more condensed and round and the width of the pill dynamically adjusts based on the size of the text/values
  • As with color_tiles(), color_scales(), and data_bars(), colors can be conditionally assigned from another column in the dataset and many of the other options available in color_tiles() are available in pill_buttons()
  • Set box_shadow to TRUE to apply a box shadow to the buttons


  • Interactive sparklines can now be added to reactable tables via react_sparkline() and react_sparkbar()
  • In order to use the sparklines, one must download the {dataui} package from GitHub (


  • Add a tooltip to cells (used with color_scales())
  • Used within cell of reactable::colDef


add_title(), add_subtitle(), add_source()

  • Added the ability to control the margin around each with margin()


  • The animation of data_bars() can now be controlled with animate. The animate parameter has also been added to color_scales(), color_tiles(), icon_sets(), and icon_assign(). The duration and timing function of the animation can be changed within animate or the animation can be turned off by setting it to 'none'. For available timing functions, see CSS Transitions


  • Set box_shadow to TRUE to apply a box shadow to the tiles


  • Optionally force a range of values to display their text labels on the outside-end of the filled bars when the text_position is set to either "inside-end", "inside-base", or "center". This can be useful when the length of the filled data bars is too short to the text labels on the inside of the filled bars
  • Control the size of the text labels with text_size
  • Borders around the filled data bars can now be adjusted with the border_style, border_width, and border_color options
  • Set box_shadow to TRUE to apply a box shadow to the bars


  • The horizontal alignment within a cell can now be controlled with the horizontal_align option


  • The alignment of the icons within a column can now be changed to either left, right, or center with align_icons. Previously, icons could only be aligned to the left


  • Custom pre-selected icon sets can be assigned to values via icon_set. Options are "ski rating", "medals", and "batteries". Can be used with add_icon_legend()

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that would not assign colors to values within color_scales(), color_tiles(), and data_bars() if there was no variance within the column
  • Fixed the sparkline tooltip to allow all values to show clearly on hover
  • Fixed issue with icon_assign() that displayed an error for columns containing all zeros

Other Modifications

  • The default color of fill_color within data_bars() and icon_assign() has been changed to #67a9cf
  • The default position of text_position within data_bars() has been changed from "outside-end" to "inside-end"
  • Text is now centered vertically within data_bars() by default
  • The size of the text within data_bars() can now be changed with text_size
  • Added two additional themes: sanfran and no_lines
  • Changed the underlying package in save_reactable() from {webshot2} to {webshot}. The {webshot} package is available on CRAN, so there is no need for users to manually download {webshot2} from GitHub
  • The entire contents of a table can be vertically centered by setting centered to TRUE within any of the {reactablefmtr} themes

reactablefmtr 0.2.0

22 May 03:29
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reactablefmtr 0.2.0

New Features

  • Data bars can now accept gradient colors by using data_bars_gradient()
  • Columns can now be conditionally formatted with color_tiles()
  • Images from the web can now be embedded into a column using embed_img()
  • Columns can now be formatted using formatters from the scales package using the number_fmt() option
  • By default, values displayed with the color_scales() and color_tiles() packages will automatically be shown in black or white color depending on the saturation of the background color of the cell. This option can be turned off by setting bright_values = FALSE
  • Data bars are now animated on sort when using any of the three data bars formatters (data_bars(), data_bars_pos_neg(), data_bars_gradient())
  • Conditional colors can now be applied to values in relation to the entire dataset or to a group of columns by providing column names or column positions with the span option within color_scales() and color_tiles(). Special thanks to June Chao for the contribution for this feature.
  • Icons can be assigned to each value in a column by using icon_assign()

Bug Fixes

  • An issue where aligning values while using data_bars() did not always align properly has been fixed


  • Due to the addition of number_fmt() which allows for the use of formatters from the scales package, the add_plus_sign() formatter will be retired in the next CRAN release as well as the commas option in the data_bars() formatter, and the percent option in the data_bars_pos_neg() and icon_sets() formatters