Ironhack bootcamp 2nd Project: Full stack Express application
A webapp using the Surfline API and the Surfline-Legacy API to display a live surf report and forecast for surfspots filtered by break-type and geographic region. |
Here is the working live demo :
The first step if you wanna go surfing is to check the weather conditions.
The second thing you want to know is how the waves will break.
Break Point allows surfers to filter surfing spots by the type of break and see live weather information and surfing conditions in the spot.
Surf's On! 🌊
- scss
- node.js -v 12.13.1
- express.js -v 4.16.3
- handlebars -v 4.1.1
- mongoDB -v 3.2.0 /mongoose -v 5.2.10
- passport -v 0.4.1
- axios -v 0.19.2
- bcrypt -v 3.0.8
- chart.js
- mapbox
Install MongoDB
and optionally the MongoDB GUI MongoDB Compass
- Fork this repository
- Clone this repository:
$ git clone
Install npm packages:
$ npm install
Create an .env file in the main folder and declare port to "Go Live" in local host.
$ touch .env
- Uncomment code in
- Run to create the DB and seed the spots collection:
$ node bin/seeds.js
- comment out code in
to avoid reseeding
If you now go to MongoDB Compass, you should see the collection and spot data.
$ npm start
- Filter spots by break
- Choose beaches in Portugal by region
- See live weather information and surfing conditions in the spot
- Sign up and login to create a user
- Add spots to your favorites and view in user page To-do list:
- Add more countries
Project is: no longer continue as it was a limited project for the bootcamp
Project inspired by Magicseeweed and surfline
App made with Irongenerator - use the ironhack_generator in order to create express projects quickly.