I created this game for Programming Languages and Techniques at the University of Pennsylvania in Fall 2020
I incorporated four java concepts in my checkers game: subtyping, arrays, collections, and file i/o
Subtyping. I made an overall square class that extends JComponent. Checker extends Square. KingChecker extends Checker. Dynamic dispatch is present in my implementation of the subtyping core concept. The "jumpPossibilities" method is a crucial method in the squares classes. The Jump Possibilities determines all the possible squares where one could make a jump given the current arrangement of the board. If no jumps are possible it returns an empty array. Otherwise, it returns an array with the valid squares. Dynamic dispatch was employed because the Square, Checker, and King Checker classes all had different functions. For instance, the square class always returned an empty array because a square cannot make jumps. The Checker class checked for jumps in the "forward" direction of the given player. However, the king checker classes looked in all 4 possible directions for the jump. This is because king checkers have different move possibilities so they needed a distinct action from the checker class. This method was extremely useful when it came to writing a method in game board called "jump exists", which returned an array of all the squares on the board that could make a jump at any given time. In the jump exists method, I used the jump possibilities method on every square in the checker board. This is where dynamic dispatch came in. Even though all of the objects were squares and had a jump possibilities method, the method that was actually run depended on the dynamic type of the object in the board. Overall, this component was essential to my game because jumps in checkers are forced, as in, if there is a jump available you must take it.
Arrays - The checker board is a 2D array of squares. This makes sense because a game board in real life is an array of squares. Some of the squares are checker pieces, some are blank squares, and some are king checker pieces. This was appropriate for my design because a game board is similar to an array. There are distinct squares that may or may not contain game pieces. I considered making an array of another type such as an array of integers, but ultimately an array of squares best represents the checkers game because there is no need to assign arbitrary numbers to represent squares.
Collections - I used a LinkedList to stores the previous moves. This allowed me to create an undo button so that the user could undo a move that is a mistake. I stored an array of integers in the LinkedList. A collection was great in this case because you can undo an unlimited number of moves. An array only has a finite set of possible space so you could not undo unlimited moves. The array of integers in the Linked List contained the information that I would need to undo the move including the starting column, ending column, starting row, ending row, player who made the move, and type of the deleted checker (if a jump occured during the move). I used int arrays in the collection because I only needed a set amount of information for each move to make the undo occur. A Linked List was the best type of collection to use because I was able to add moves to the beginning of the list, and I removed moves from the head of the list after the undo buton was pressed. A set would not make sense here because there can be repeat moves in checkers. A map is not as good either because there are not values that go together in a way that makes sense. The collection is encapsulation properly because it is a private field and you cannot access it outside of the Game Board class directly. You can only undoMoves() using that public method, save a game, and open a saved game.
File I/O - I wrote to a file to save the state of the game. This is saved in "save.checkers". The first line of the file is the saved moves from the previous game. Each move is separated by a semicolon. Within each move, information is separated by spaces. The first 4 numbers of the move indicate the initial and final rows and columns that were moved. The 5th number indicates the player at the time, and the 6th number indicates whether a king checker or regular checker pieces was jumped over if applicable.
The 2nd to 9th lines of the file save the state of the board. It can be seen if you open "save.checkers". The 0s are white squares, 1s are blue squares, 2s are black checkers, 3s are red checkers, 4s are black king checkers, and 5s are red king checkers.
The 10th line of the file saves the player whos turn it was when the game ended. True means it was player 1 and false means it was player 2.
You can open a saved game any point in time using the "open saved game button". This then reads from the file to return the game back to the saved state. Initially, I was only going to save the state of the board. However, in my feedback, I was told that I needed to save two different states. Therefore, I also chose to save the turn of the player. This made for two separate saved states. Furthermore, I also chose to save the moves from the saved game so you can undo moves from the saved game. This adds up to three separate states being written to and read from the file.
My Square class extends JComponent. A square is a filled in rectangle on the board. The Checker class extends Square. A checker is a piece on the board. It is a filled in ellipse on top of a filled in rectangle. A checker piece can only move on the diagonals (the blue squares). Also, it can only move in the "forward" direction relative to where it starts. The KingChecker class extends Checker. A king checker inherits all the methods of the checker. However, a king checker can move backwards and forwards relative to its starting position on the board. The gameboard is the board. This is where the action listeners are. Also, this is what paints the components on to the screen. The checker game has some overall layouts such as the number of pieces and check for winner. This is functionally equivalent to the original tic tac toe game board class. Game is where I actually make the JFrame. This is more or less unchanged from the tic tac toe game code. I added a save game, open saved game, and undo button.
I was trying really hard to make sure I did subtyping properly so it took me a long to plan out all the methods I was going to make in the checkers and king checkers classes. This was my primary challenge. It ended up working out well. I probably could have found a way to make checkers without a class for checker pieces. This was one of my initial difficulties because making a checkers class meant I had to move the pieces rather than just keep the pieces stagnant and change the color of the ellipse. But, in the end it actually worked well, and I am glad I chose to make checkers objects. Also, File I/O is hard so I had a hard time saving the game. This difficulty didn't have anything to do with my game design and mainly had to do with the fact that I personally find File I/O to be a more difficult concept. Also, I spent a really long time trying to figure out why my save game was not working only to realize that I was using == instead of .equals on strings.
There is some separation of functionality. The board game deals with objects on the board. The Game class deals with adding objects to the JFrame. The Squares classes deal with moves associated to a single object. The file parser and iterator deals with reading and writing files.
I made a concrete effort to make things encapsulated. For instance, I moved the board variable into the gameboard class. Originally, it was in the checkergame class as a leftover part of the tic tac toe game template. It also has a getBoard() method originally in the CheckerGame class. However, I moved the board variable and the getBoard method to the gameboard class so that I could use the actual board rather than break encapsulation by getting the board from the checker game class. I also made sure to return a clone of the board in the getboard method so that I did not break encapsulation. Also, the moves collection is a private field that is encapsulated. It is changed through the record move and undo move buttons. The undo moves button is accessed in the Game class. However, encapsulation is not broken because you cannot modify the collection directly and break the game.