A custom tab bar controller for iOS written in Swift 3.0
Checkout the live demo on Appetize
pod 'AZTabBar'
Simply drag and drop the Sources
folder to your project.
Create an array of String/UIImage:
//The icons that will be displayed on the tabs that are not currently selected
var icons = [String]()
//The icons that will be displayed for each tab once they are selected.
var selectedIcons = [String]()
Now initialize the controller object through the following method:
tabController = AZTabBarController.insert(into: self, withTabIconNames: icons, andSelectedIconNames: selectedIcons)
Add controllers:
//if you are using storyboard:
let myChildViewController = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ChildViewController")!
//if you are loading programmatically:
let myChildViewController = ChildViewController()
tabController.setViewController(myChildViewController, atIndex: 0)
Add actions:
tabController.setAction(atIndex: 3) {
//Your statments
print("Hello World")
Note that you can add both actions and view controllers at a certain index.
//default color of the icons on the buttons
tabController.defaultColor = .white
//the color of the icon when a menu is selected
tabController.selectedColor = .orange
//The color of the icon of a highlighted tab
tabController.highlightColor = .white
//The background color of the button of the highlighted tabs.
tabController.highlightedBackgroundColor = .green
//The background color of the tab bar
tabController.buttonsBackgroundColor = .black
//The color of the selection indicator.
tabController.selectionIndicatorColor = .green
// default is 3.0
tabController.selectionIndicatorHeight = 0
// change the seperator line color
tabController.separatorLineColor = .black
//hide or show the seperator line
tabController.separatorLineVisible = false
//Enable tab change animation that looks like facebook
tabController.animateTabChange = true
Make tab look highlighted:
tabController.highlightButton(atIndex: 2)
Hide/Show the tab bar:
tabController.setBar(hidden: true, animated: true)
Add badge to menu (use nil value to remove existing badges):
tabController.setBadgeText("5", atIndex: 3)
Switch programmatically to a certain tab:
tabController.setIndex(2) //animated = true by default
tabController.setIndex(2, animated: false)
Grant access to change the status bar style per tab:
override var childViewControllerForStatusBarStyle: UIViewController?{
return tabController
//Then implement the delegate method:
func tabBar(_ tabBar: AZTabBarController, statusBarStyleForIndex index: Int) -> UIStatusBarStyle {
return (index % 2) == 0 ? .default : .lightContent
I created an extension for UIViewController
which adds a var called currentTabBar
public var currentTabBar: AZTabBarController? { get }
You can call it like this:
currentTabBar?.setBadgeText("New Badge Value",atIndex: 2)
These are the functions of the AZTabBarDelegate:
/// This function is called after `didMoveToTabAtIndex` is called. In order for this function to work you must override the var `childViewControllerForStatusBarStyle` in the root controller to return this instance of AZTabBarController.
/// - Parameters:
/// - tabBar: The current instance of AZTabBarController.
/// - index: The index of the child view controller which you wish to set a status bar style for.
/// - Returns: The status bar style.
func tabBar(_ tabBar: AZTabBarController, statusBarStyleForIndex index: Int)-> UIStatusBarStyle
/// This function is called whenever user clicks the menu a long click. If returned false, the action will be ignored.
/// - Parameters:
/// - tabBar: The current instance of AZTabBarController.
/// - index: The index of the child view controller which you wish to disable the long menu click for.
/// - Returns: true if you wish to allow long-click interaction for a specific tab, false otherwise.
func tabBar(_ tabBar: AZTabBarController, shouldLongClickForIndex index: Int)-> Bool
/// This function is used to enable/disable animation for a certian tab.
/// - Parameters:
/// - tabBar: The current instance of AZTabBarController.
/// - index: The index of the tab.
/// - Returns: true if you wish to enable the animation, false otherwise.
func tabBar(_ tabBar: AZTabBarController, shouldAnimateButtonInteractionAtIndex index:Int)->Bool
/// This function is called whenever user taps one of the menu buttons.
/// - Parameters:
/// - tabBar: The current instance of AZTabBarController.
/// - index: The index of the menu the user tapped.
func tabBar(_ tabBar: AZTabBarController, didSelectTabAtIndex index: Int)
/// This function is called whenever user taps and hold one of the menu buttons. Note that this function will not be called for a certain index if `shouldLongClickForIndex` is implemented and returns false for that very same index.
/// - Parameters:
/// - tabBar: The current instance of AZTabBarController.
/// - index: The index of the menu the user long clicked.
func tabBar(_ tabBar: AZTabBarController, didLongClickTabAtIndex index:Int)
/// This function is called before the child view controllers are switched.
/// - Parameters:
/// - tabBar: The current instance of AZTabBarController.
/// - index: The index of the controller which the tab bar will be switching to.
func tabBar(_ tabBar: AZTabBarController, willMoveToTabAtIndex index:Int)
/// This function is called after the child view controllers are switched.
/// - Parameters:
/// - tabBar: The current instance of AZTabBarController.
/// - index: The index of the controller which the tab bar had switched to.
func tabBar(_ tabBar: AZTabBarController, didMoveToTabAtIndex index: Int)
AZTabBarController is a converted and modified version of ESTabBarController that is written in Objective-C by ezescaruli.