I&E District creates a decentralized import export marketplace to support cross border trade using crypto based payments.
I&E District, short for Import - Export District would provide a venue to post real-world goods for sale, provide a venue to communicate with manufacturers, and to facilitate cross border and inter-country trade. The district would enable manufacturers to directly sell their goods to consumers or to distributors, and consumers to directly purchase goods. This double sided marketplace would enable small and large manufactures of goods (professional manufacturers and small one-person creators) to sell their physical goods through digital means in web3.
This District would be a decentralized version of Alibaba; however, it would enable any participant in any country to participate. This approach will create more streamlined, less expensive means of trade - incentive large manufacturers to move their existing trade business from Alibaba to a less expensive venue. In addition, the value of a democratized DAO in governing disputes puts the district in a much stronger position to support vendors and consumers as compared to the centralized Trade Assurance concept offered by existing marketplaces.
The I&E District would be a decentralized marketplace for transacting trade for real assets through digital crypto means. The District would have two types of users - the vendors selling good and the consumers purchasing goods. Vendors would need to stake a small number of DNT to build a trust score in the marketplace to transact (creating a theoretical warranty pool - if vendors cheat they forfeit their stake). There would be a dispute governance voted on by token holders. These disputes would be to support claims against the warranty pool. During the transaction of trade a .5% value would be taken to continue to fund a warranty/claim pool - as well as .25%-.5% transaction value to incentivize token holders staking to run the district. This enables a decentralized DOA to govern disputes and create a safe venue for trade.
Describe how the district should operate in detail. Include relationships between the district and users, tokenholders, and any other parts of the district0x network.
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