Use RPI GPIO sensors as ST devices (contact/motion) I found a lot of samples of using RPI for controlling relays/switches and such, but nothing that just did plain old input sensors. With minor modification, this can be used to integrate any digitalIn Pi sensor.
Hopefully others find this useful.
Based upon work by @Ibeech
- Smartthings Hub
- Raspberry Pi
- Various Contact/Motion Sensors.
- WebIOPi
NOTE: RPi2/RPi3 are not officially supported by WebIOPi. I've posted a patched version Here to save you some time.
- Install device type handlers
- Install WebIOpi SmartApp
- Publish WebIOpi SmartApp
- Add SmartApp from the Smarthings Mobile App
Depending on your sensor type, you might want to mess with the internal pullup/pulldowns on the GPIO's.
- Update / better documentation
- Code cleanup