Releases: keenon/nimblephysics
v0.10.52.1 Minor revisions to marker beam search
This release includes minor changes to nimble.biomechanics.MarkerMultiBeamSearch
, to focus on searching individual rigid bodies one at a time, instead of searching across an entire skeleton worth of markers at once.
v0.10.52 Adding marker beam search utilities
In order to improve the continuity of raw marker data, which often suffers from label swaps, we have found that various kinds of beam search are helpful to merge up markers over time. This adds C++ acceleration utilities to handle these searches.
v0.10.51 Robustness Improvements
This is a bunch of small bounds checks and small warning prints that should help diagnosing future issues in AddBiomechanics.
v0.10.50 Adding accessor SubjectOnDisk::getName()
Needed for downstream AddBiomechanics applications.
v0.10.49 Adding more fields to SubjectOnDisk
This adds a few more fields to SubjectOnDisk
, and adds some missing Python bindings for a few miscellaneous math utilities.
v0.10.47 Better segfault protection on the Python API
This is a bunch of small input checks on the Python API calls to avoid segfaults and provide more useful error messages.
v0.10.46 Misc improvements to support AddBiomechanics
This version adds a bunch of miscellaneous Python API support to enable an upgrade to the AddBiomechanics dynamics pipeline. This includes changes to DynamicsFitter
, SubjectOnDisk
, and adding an AccelerationTrackAndMinimize
v0.10.45 Adding an AccelerationMinimizer utility
Lowpass Butterworth filtering on typical motion capture data does not smooth the position data sufficiently to compensate for the increase in the magnitude of the higher frequency noise when double differentiated to get position data (and its linear correlate, torque). So this minor release adds a utility that will do a weighted-least-squares smoothing of the trajectory to minimize acceleration while tracking the original signal, which results in much smoother torque profiles when tuned correctly.
v0.10.44 Minor update to the bindings and CI fixes
What's Changed
- Allow deprecated Node 16 on CI by @nickbianco in #216
- added calculateInverseDynamics binding by @THEONE-1 in #215
- Allow deprecated Node 16 when building Linux wheels by @nickbianco in #217
Full Changelog: v0.10.43...v0.10.44