- Import pre-processed SAR .tiff file into project directory
- Change imported file string to the one you wish to analyze
- Run script to view soil moisture index map
You can run the rest in similar way.
Leveraging the Sentinel-1 Toolbox, the preprocessing workflow was tailored to meet the specific requirements of each algorithm, though the following steps outline a general preprocessing pipeline with commonly applied parameters:
- Read: Load the SAR image and, if needed, resample it to focus on the desired area of interest.
- Calibration: Configure the parameters to determine whether the output will be in beta0 or sigma0 bands, ensuring accurate radiometric calibration.
- Terrain Flattening: Smooth or level the terrain to enhance signal readability during processing, leading to more reliable results.
- Thermal noise removal: Remove unwanted thermal noise to improve image clarity; this step is applied selectively depending on the use case.
- Terrain Correction: Adjust for distortions caused by elevation changes, producing geometrically accurate images that align with standard map projections, enabling better analysis and usability.
- Write: Generate the pre-processed image as a Geo TIFF file, making it ready for subsequent SAR-based calculations.