Input: BAM/CRAM files (tested for up to 50,000) from short-read paired-end whole-genome sequencing data
Output: Called deletions in VCF file
Note: The default reference genome is GRCh38 (Genome Reference Consortium Human Build 38). Other human reference builds can be specified in the options. See Specifying the reference genome. For other diploid organism or custom reference builds, it is necessary to specify user-defined sampling intervals. See Sampling intervals for parameter estimation.
For more detailed information see the Wiki.
git clone
cd PopDel
sudo make install
or with conda:
conda install -c bioconda popdel
Note: PopDel takes significantly more time for calling variants when installed via conda.
Create insert size profiles for each individual sample
# Create a profile for each BAM-file
popdel profile myBam1.bam
popdel profile myBam2.bam
popdel profile myBamN.bam
For more options see Wiki: PopDel Profile
Joint calling on list of all profiles
# Create a list of all profiles
realpath myBam*.profile > myProfiles.txt
# Run calling on all profiles
popdel call myProfiles.txt
For more options see Wiki: PopDel Call
See wiki for more information on how to view the profile with PopDel View and interpret the output in VCF-format.
Sebastian Niehus, Hákon Jónsson, Janina Schönberger, Eythór Björnsson, Doruk Beyter, Hannes P. Eggertsson, Patrick Sulem, Kári Stefánsson, Bjarni V. Halldórsson, Birte Kehr. PopDel identifies medium-size deletions simultaneously in tens of thousands of genomes. Nat Commun 12, 730 (2021).
Last update: 2021-03-25
PopDel version: 1.5.0
SeqAn version: 2.1 (with HTSlib support added by Hannes P.Eggertsson)
Author: Sebastian Niehus (Sebastian.Niehus[at]
PopDel is distributed under the GPL-3.0. Consult the accompanying LICENSE file for more details.