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Keigh Rim edited this page Feb 28, 2020 · 8 revisions

MAE user's guide

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started
    1. Requirements
    2. Download
    3. Run
    4. Build
  3. Defining an Annotation Task
  4. Annotation Workflow
  5. Adjudication Workflow
  6. IAA calculator

Getting Started


To Run: Java

MAE is written in JAVA. Thus, to run MAE, users need JAVA. Different versions of MAE requires different minimum Java versions. In short, Java 8 or later works for all MAE. For details see the table below. Annotators can download and install Java from Oracle (cross-platform) or an open source alternative, OpenJDK project (for GNU/linux)

MAE minimum Java required
0.x Java 6
1.0 Java 7
2.0 Java 7
2.1 Java 8

For Windows and GNU/Linux users using a higher resolution display and the system provided UI scaling, Java 9 is recommended as Java 8 doesn't work with system HiDPI configuration (HiDPI scaling on MacOS is fine). See below for detailed instructions.

To Compile from the Source Code: Maven

NOTE: First off, most users don't need to build MAE from scratch. They can grap an executable jar file and run. See below.

Stating from v1.0, MAE is using Maven to build. That is, Maven is required to compile MAE from the source.

Unicode Font

To provide robust support for Unicode characters, MAE is using DejaVu Sans font as the default. However, the font is not embedded in MAE, so users need to install it for richer Unicode rendering.


Use releases page to download an executable binary (jar) or release package (zip).


To run MAE, users need to run mae-<VERSION>.jar file. The exact file name can vary depend on the version.

Simply double click .jar file in file explorers, to run.

It can run from command line, which will print out runtime logs;

> java -jar <MAE>.jar

If you are on Windows and using HiDPI UI scaling, Java 9 (or later) will take care of scaling MAE to make everything is readable. Just be sure to use the proper version.

> /path/to/java9/bin/java -jar <MAE>.jar 

If you are on GNU/Linux and using HiDPI UI scaling, you might need to set a system property in addition to using Java 9 (or later).

> /path/to/java9/bin/java -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=2 -jar <MAE>.jar 
> # change value of sun.java2d.uiScale as you need 

Building from the Source

Get the source code by cloning the repository (git is required).

> git clone

Once Maven is ready, building is fairly easy.

> cd mae-annotation
> mvn package

This will generate an executable mae-<VERSION>.jar file in target directory

For the most recent, pre-release, and unstable version, compile from develop branch.

> git checkout develop
> mvn package