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Alex the parrot




Scremsong is intended to be run within docker.

To get started:

docker-compose up

First time setup

  1. Run docker-compose up db and run CREATE SCHEMA "scremsong";
  2. Load CSVs from the initial-data folder 2.1 Load columns.csv into app_socialcolumns 2.2 Load emails.csv into app_allowedusers 2.3 Load tweet_replies.csv into app_tweetreplies
  3. yarn install in frontend/
  4. Add to /etc/hosts
  5. Create your self-signed SSL cert (see below)
  6. Run db/scripts/ to initialise your database with the latest state in PROD
  7. docker-compose up db and empty the app_socialplatforms table to clear our stored credentials
  8. Create a new set of Twitter credentials per the steps in twitter_auth_step1() in

You're good to go! Navigate to

SSL Cert

brew install mkcert
mkcert -install
mkdir keys && cd $_

Django Setup

Add a Python Social Auth backend of your choice. e.g. Social backends.

Assuming you're configuring Google as a backend for auth:

Refer to PySocialAuth Google and Google - Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google APIs.

  • Create a Web application OAuth 2 Client in the Google API's Console
    • Add https://localhost:8001 as an Authorised JavaScript origin
    • Add https://localhost:8001/complete/google-oauth2/ as an Authorised redirect URI
    • Enable the Google+ API
  • Copy django/web-variables.env.tmpl to django/web-varibles.env
  • Add the resulting Client Id and Secret to django/web-variables.env
  • Nuke and restart your Docker containers
  • Navigate to https://localhost, choose Google as your signon option, and you should be sent through the Google OAuth flow and end up back at https://localhost with your username displayed on the app.

Now you're up and running!

Becoming An Admin

Making yourself an admin:

Hop into your running django Docker container:

docker exec -i -t scremsong_django_1 sh

And enter the Django Admin shell:

django-admin shell
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
user.is_staff = True
user.is_superuser = True
user.profile.is_approved = True


Deployment (Actual!)

Choose the next VERSION number.

  1. ./ all
  2. ./ VERSION all


  • AWS S3 hosts the Public and Admin sites.
  • CloudFlare sits in front and handles caching and gives us HTTPS.
  • Travis CI handles automatic deploys from GitHub for us.
  • Duck CLI to ftp sync the legacy PHP API.
  1. S3 bucket setup for static website hosting, bucket policy set to public, and error document set to index.html to let React Router work. 1.1 A second bucket is setup to redirect requests to
  2. CloudFlare just has default settings except for these Page Rules: 2.2* Cache Level: Bypass 2.3* Cache Level: Standard, Edge Cache TTL: A Month (Because S3 sends No Cache headers by default.) 2.3* Cache Level: Standard, Edge Cache TTL: A Month (Because S3 sends No Cache headers by default.)
  3. Travis CI setup with default settings to pull from .travis.yml with environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_DEFAULT_REGION, CF_ZONE_ID, CF_EMAIL, CF_API_KEY, FTP_USERNAME, FTP_PASSWORD, FTP_PATH, REACT_APP_MAPBOX_API_KEY_PROD
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Id": "PublicBucketPolicy",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "Stmt1482880670019",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": "*",
      "Action": "s3:GetObject",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET_NAME_HERE/*"

Continuous Delivery

We've rolled our own CD system using Travis-CI and Digital Ocean's API.

Encrypting Secrets for Travis

Per Travis-CI's documentation on encrypting multiple files containing secrets.

tar cvf secrets.tar secrets/travis.env secrets/
travis encrypt-file --force secrets.tar

How to Encrypt/Decrypt SSH Keys for Deployment

As part of deployment of a new droplet we also shutdown and cleanup the old droplet - but a key requirement there was archiving the nginx log files in S3. To do that we 'just' need our Python-based deploy script in Travis to be able to SSH into our Droplet and get to the files created by the Dockerised nginx container.

Sounds easy? Yes and no. To cut a long story short - we're using scp and Docker volume mapping.

The tricky bit was dealing with the SSH keys. Ultimately we found this comprehensive and well written guide: How to Encrypt/Decrypt SSH Keys for Deployment on Travis-CI.

In short, we have:

  1. Created a new passwordless SSH key only for use by Travis and our Droplets (aka deploy_key)
  2. Added the public key to our Digital Ocean account
  3. The public keys in our Digital Ocean account are added to the authorized_keys file on all droplets we create via
  4. Used the Travis-CI CLI's encrypt-file command to encrypt our private key and embed it in our .travis.yml using our Travis-CI public key
  5. Strung a few more commands together (per the aforementioned guide) in .travis.yml's before_install section that decrypt the key, start the SSH agent, and add the key as our preferred SSH key.
  6. In docker-compose-prod.yml we've simply mapped ./logs:/var/log so we can more easily get at the nginx logs (and others in the future?)
  7. In when we're shutting down a Droplet we use subprocess to call scp to SSH into the Droplet and copy the relevant logs out to our Travis-CI server.
  8. Lastly, we rename and datestamp the logs and pop them up into S3.


Lessons learned?

Paying for Travis-CI would have let us just add SSH keys directly via the Web UI (at the cost of USD$69/month!)

Related Resources

In working out how to do this we ran across quite a few hiccups and "WTF" moments. Here's a collection of useful resources for our own record, and for any brave future explorers how happen upon this readme in search of the same solution.

Hardening Servers

SSL and CloudFlare

We're using CloudFlare's neat Origin CA service to secure traffic between our Droplet and CloudFlare. We used this guide to implement it. Steps in brief:

  1. Configure cloud-config-yaml to install the cfca package - CloudFlare's CLI for issuing certificates.
  2. Just before we docker-compose up in cloud-config-yaml we run cfca getcert to grab our cert and key from CloudFlare and deploy it to /scremsong/app/.
  3. Nginx is configured per these instructions.
  4. Updated our DigitalOcean Firewall to disallow all traffic on port 80.
  5. Changed our CloudFlare SSL mode from "Flexible" to "Full" to force CF to talk to our droplet over HTTPs.

Building Docker images

We build and push our Docker images to Docker Hub to speed up our deploy time. If make a change to one of the Dockerfiles you'll need to:

  1. Build, tag, and push a new image to Docker Hub at version.
docker build -t keithmoss/scremsong-app ./app/
docker tag keithmoss/scremsong-app keithmoss/scremsong-app:`version`
docker push keithmoss/scremsong-app
docker build -t keithmoss/scremsong-django ./django/
docker tag keithmoss/scremsong-django keithmoss/scremsong-django:`version`
docker push keithmoss/scremsong-django
  1. Update docker-compose-prod.yml with the new version and commit.

  2. Allow the normal deploy process to do its thing - it'll grab the new Docker image from Docker Hub.

(Remember to docker login to Docker Hub first.)



  • yarn outdated
  • yarn upgrade --latest
  • depcheck

Note:: [email protected] because CRA needs at least 8.1.0 and react-tweet has (mistakenly) probably got the older version declared as a regular dependency


poetry show --outdated
