Airflow operator that can send messages to MS Teams
op1 = MSTeamsWebhookOperator(task_id='msteamtest',
message = "Hello from Airflow!",
subtitle = "This is the **subtitle**",
button_text = "My button",
button_url = "",
theme_color = "00FF00",
#proxy = "https://yourproxy.domain:3128/",
Results in:
In your MS Teams channel, click on the ...
> Connectors
Search for Incoming Webhook
and configure it. Give it a name such as my-test-webhook
Once created you will be given a Webhook URL.
You will need to prepare the HTTP Hook in Airflow's Admin > Connections:
Conn Type = HTTP
Host =
Copy both the operator and hook .py
files to your DAG folder and then import it
from ms_teams_webhook_operator import MSTeamsWebhookOperator
You can now use the MSTeamsWebHookOperator. The message
and subtitle
fields are templated.
op1 = MSTeamsWebhookOperator(task_id='msteamtest',
message = "Hello from Airflow!",
subtitle = "This is the **subtitle**",
theme_color = "00FF00",
#proxy = "https://yourproxy.domain:3128/",
The theme_color
is a hex color without the #
Any feature requests, please fork and submit a PR.
Ability to create potentialActions as seen here:
Apache 2.0 (see code file headers)