Bare-metal multiplayer reimplementation of XKobo for Rasberry PI (2 and 3)
This is a bare-metal project based on a subset of XKobo, a 2D space shooter where players need to avoid enemy ships and destroy maze-looking space stations, extended with a cooperative multiplayer mode for a pair of Raspberry PI devices running on the same network.
The core game is implemented in C++ on top of the Circle bare metal framework for Raspberry PI. A functional implementation of the client part is also available in a desktop client written in Python using the Pygame framework.
The development is done using a GNU C cross compiler environment compiled for Ubuntu. It reuses and extends the GNU Makefiles shipped with Circle to build a kernel image to be loaded onto an SD card along with the Raspberry Pi firmware. The sources can be built on an Ubuntu Linux distribution as follows:
# Install cross build tools
sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi
# Build the application
# Mount the SD card
sudo mount /dev/<sd card device> /mnt/<path to SD card>/ [other mount options]
# Copy resulting kernel image and config file to an SD Card
cp kernel8-32.img config.txt /mnt/<path to SD card>/
# Eject the SD card
sudo umount /mnt/<path to SD card>/
# .. repeat for a second SD card..
# Insert the SD card into a Raspberry PI and boot it up.
This project is part of an individual master's degree project. Feel free to read the dissertation and take a look at the viva presentation slides