The following scripts were created for the Deep Learning 2018 course from BUTE by József Kenderák, Árom Görög and Dániel Határ.
Anaconda 5.3 contains a lot of libraries but we need the followings:
conda install -c conda-forge keras
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow
conda install -c conda-forge opencv
conda install -c anaconda scipy
core/ - Put the whole dataset into the HDF5 file structuring by train, valid and test sets
core/ - Train and Validation generators for *.fit_generator()
core/ - Defined some new Loss functions
core/ - Currently only contains U-net architecture
core/ - Defined custom activation layer SWISH
data/ - The whole RAW dataset
model_weights/ - Wieghts of the best model
results/ - Save folder of the videos after testing - Train the model after preprocessing - After training we can test the network with videos
config.json - Contain configuration of the model and training parameters
Copy the previously shared dataset to the root directory and just run:
data_processor(row,col) // now this function will do it all, you do not have to run directly
In the .py file you can change the resize resolution of the images by img_new_size = (384,128). The image resolution by default is 384x128, it is important due to input size of the neural network. After the preprocess is done, you can see the dataset.hdf5 file in the root directory.
After the preprocessing is done just run:
You must nothing to change in! Change config.json to modify your training parameters!
After the training you can test your model via videos. Just download an .mp4 video to the root directory and in the you should add the filename in the main() function to the vid_fn variable. Make sure you add your .hdf5 file path of your model correctly in the .load_weights(...) line.
After testing is done, you can look at the predicted videos in the results/ directory.
- Train on batch
- Make the usage more comfortable
- Make better dir and file structure
- Save the history into a file after training
- Implement new activation layer
- Implement custom pooling layer