This application allows a user to create a new hospital contact and select which hospitals they are associated with. After validating the user, the dashboard shows statistics related to each hospital associated with the user: average staff salary, highest paid staff member, average procedure cost, highest cost procedure, and the total number of procedures.
The API has the following models available:
- Contact: The user that will log into the site. It has a one-to-one relationship with the Django User model to allow for built-in authentication. The other attributes include name, address, phone number, job title, and a many-to-many relationship with individual hospitals
- Hospital: It has a many-to-one relationship with a hospital group. The other attributes include the hospital name and address.
- Hospital Group: It is not implemented now, but will later help a contact be associated with an entire group instead of individual hospitals. The hospital group has the attribute name.
- Staff: It has a many-to-many relationship with each individual hospital. The other attributes include a name, start date, job title, and salary.
- Procedures: It has a many-to-many relationship with Staff, a many-to-one relationship with each hospital, and a many-to-one relationship with a procedure category. The other attributes inclue a name, description, date, and cost.
- Porcedure Category: It is not implemented now, but will later help validate attributes of procedures. The procedure category has the attribute name.
The frontend currently does not allow for a user/contact to add Staff, Procedures, and Procedure Categories.
- Add attributes to procedure category to include maximum cost and minumum cost.
- Create a detailed hospital page where a user can CRUD staff and procedures for the selected hospital.
- Valid a new procedure against the procedure categories.
- Allow a new contact to select a hospital group that will automatically select all of the hospitals under it.
- Create a different portal for administration users to CRUD hospitals and hospital groups.
- Move the database to PostgreSQL
- Maybe procedure categories should be per hospital or hospital group. I doubt the max/min of a procedure will be default across the board. Maybe there should be both global and "local" procedure cost validation.
Once the application is cloned or downloaded use the terminal/console to navigate to the hospital_application directory and run python runserver