- Python 3.6 (or above)
- numpy
- 1.0.0: Upload package.
- 1.1.0: Add two methods: ask_file_popup, ask_folder_popup
- 1.2.0: Add method: install_checker
- 1.2.1: Edit copy in var_form.
- 1.2.2: Fix init bug.
- 1.2.3: Fix bug at DetailRecorder.
- 1.2.4: Fix bug at DetailRecorder.
- 1.3.0: Add method: cal_SNR.
- 1.3.1: Fix bug at cal_SNR.
- 1.3.2: Use importlib.util.find_spec instead of ModuleNotFoundError.
- 1.4.0: Add module: TorchLoss, contains various of loss function including MSE, RMSE, MAPE, MAE, SNR and SSIM.
- 2.0.0: Rewrite library, remove AnimatedPlot.
- 2.0.1: fix bug.
- Most of the functions are elaborated at my another repository useful_coding_tools.
- There're some demo at CodingToolBox.
- CodingToolBox
- get_peak: Get indices and values of peaks of periodical signal by automatic multiscale-based peak detection (AMPD) algorithm.
- DetailRecorder: Convenient recording tool.
- raw_var: Return raw variable string that can easily be used in another script.
- TkMethods: Methods based on tkinter.
- ask_file: Popup menu for asking file location.
- ask_folder: Popup menu for asking folder location.
- Math: Math module.
- norm_p: Return norm.
- sqrt: Support negative value.
- NpLoss: Loss function (NumPy version).
- MAE: mean absulate error.
- MAPE: mean absolute percentage error.
- MSE: mean square error.
- RMSE: root mean square error.
- SNR: signal-to-noise ratio.
- SSIM: structural similarity index.
- TorchLoss: Loss function (PyTorch version).
- MAE: mean absulate error.
- MAPE: mean absolute percentage error.
- MSE: mean square error.
- RMSE: root mean square error.
- SNR: signal-to-noise ratio.
- SSIM: structural similarity index.