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Michael Keough edited this page Dec 31, 2016 · 1 revision

Welcome to the GMS wiki!

Introduction /Scope

As a CTO at a Google (GAFE) school I have been looking for a way to manage Groups, Users, Security, and AUP violations. It seems everytime I look for some way of doing this I run into exorbitant pricing and the products don’t cover all my need. What I am setting out to do here is to create an open source / free solution that will help service schools and their GAFE accounts. Ideally, I would like to take ideas from well known products like CloudLock, BetterCloud, CloudPages and others and incorporate them into one system, open and free.

The system will be written in PHP and MySql and will connect to Google Admin SDK as well as other SDKs as needed.

I WILL NOT host this product for anyone so please don’t ask. You will need to acquire your own server or use Amazon or Google Cloud services or even an in-house solution. Obviously there is a cost to that.

I should also NOTE that neither myself or any developers on this project assume any responsibility for the product. If you install it you are doing so at your own risk. You are free to change the code in any way that suits your needs, but we will not be held responsible in any way for errors, bugs, or anything resulting in your data being compromised. With that said we will also do our best to employ sound security practices and methodologies.

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