A library that helps with:
- Accepting events from the user and storing it reliably (flushing into file on disk).
- Performing action on the events (action will be some task that needs to be performed on/using that event).
- Purge the processed events.
Suppose the incoming event is of type Price, defined as
class Item {
private String name;
private int price;
public Item(String name, int price) {
this.name = name;
this.price = price;
To create an event store, and set up processing and purging,
private static final String DIR = "/tmp/FileStorageAndProcessing/data";
private static final String ENTITY_IDENTIFIER = "purchased-items";
Consumer<Item> consumer = (item) -> System.out.println("Display the item: " + item.toString());
EventStore<Item> eventStore = new EventStore.EventStoreBuilder<Item>(baseDirectoryPath, "entityIdentifier", consumer, Item.class)
To publish any event,
eventStore.write(new Item("Item1", 20));
Data storage is inspired from how kafka stores data for its partitions by creating smaller segments, and then creating index files for each segment for faster lookup of data.