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…KeyCodec` for `Newtype` and `Refined`
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kevin-lee committed Aug 20, 2024
1 parent 4a52dcd commit e7e3ef3
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package refined4s.modules.circe.derivation

import io.circe.KeyEncoder
import refined4s.NewtypeBase

/** @author Kevin Lee
* @since 2023-12-11
trait CirceKeyEncoder[A: KeyEncoder] {
self: NewtypeBase[A] =>

given derivedKeyEncoder: KeyEncoder[Type] = deriving[KeyEncoder]
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
package refined4s.modules.circe.derivation

import refined4s.*

/** @author Kevin Lee
* @since 2023-12-11
trait CirceNewtypeKeyCodec[A] extends CirceKeyEncoder[A] with CirceNewtypeKeyDecoder[A] {
self: NewtypeBase[A] =>
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package refined4s.modules.circe.derivation

import io.circe.KeyDecoder
import refined4s.*

/** @author Kevin Lee
* @since 2023-12-11
trait CirceNewtypeKeyDecoder[A: KeyDecoder] {
self: NewtypeBase[A] =>

given derivedKeyDecoder: KeyDecoder[Type] = deriving[KeyDecoder]
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
package refined4s.modules.circe.derivation

import refined4s.*

/** @author Kevin Lee
* @since 2023-12-11
trait CirceRefinedKeyCodec[A] extends CirceKeyEncoder[A] with CirceRefinedKeyDecoder[A] {
self: RefinedBase[A] =>
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package refined4s.modules.circe.derivation

import io.circe.KeyDecoder
import refined4s.*

/** @author Kevin Lee
* @since 2023-12-11
trait CirceRefinedKeyDecoder[A: KeyDecoder] {
self: RefinedBase[A] =>

given derivedKeyDecoder: KeyDecoder[Type] = KeyDecoder[A].apply(_).flatMap(from(_).toOption)
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@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
package refined4s.modules.circe.derivation

import cats.syntax.all.*
import hedgehog.*
import hedgehog.runner.*
import io.circe.*
import io.circe.CursorOp.DownField
import io.circe.parser.*
import io.circe.syntax.*
import refined4s.*

/** @author Kevin Lee
* @since 2023-12-12
object CirceKeyCodecSpec extends Properties {
override def tests: List[Test] = List(
property("test CirceEncoder for Newtype", testNewtypeEncoder),
property("test CirceEncoder for Refined", testRefinedEncoder),
property("test CirceEncoder for Newtype(Refined)", testRefinedNewtypeEncoder),
property("test CirceEncoder for InlinedRefined", testInlinedRefinedEncoder),
property("test CirceEncoder for Newtype(InlinedRefined)", testInlinedRefinedNewtypeEncoder),
property("test CirceDecoder for Newtype", testNewtypeDecoder),
property("test CirceDecoder for Refined", testRefinedDecoder),
example("test CirceDecoder for Refined with invalid value", testRefinedDecoderInvalid),
property("test CirceDecoder for Newtype(Refined)", testRefinedNewtypeDecoder),
example("test CirceDecoder for Newtype(Refined) with invalid value", testRefinedNewtypeDecoderInvalid),
property("test CirceDecoder for InlinedRefined", testInlinedRefinedDecoder),
example("test CirceDecoder for InlinedRefined with invalid value", testInlinedRefinedDecoderInvalid),
property("test CirceDecoder for Newtype(InlinedRefined)", testInlinedRefinedNewtypeDecoder),
example("test CirceDecoder for Newtype(InlinedRefined) with invalid value", testInlinedRefinedNewtypeDecoderInvalid),

def testNewtypeEncoder: Property =
for {
ss <- Gen
.string(Gen.unicode, Range.linear(1, 10))
.list(Range.linear(1, 10))
ns <-, Int.MaxValue)).list(Range.singleton(ss.length)).log("ns")
map <- Gen.constant("map")
input <- Gen.constant( { case (key, value) => MyNewtype(key) -> value }).log("input")
} yield {
val expected = Json.fromFields( { case (key, value) => key -> value.asJson })
val actual = input.asJson
actual ==== expected,
actual.noSpaces ==== expected.noSpaces,

def testRefinedEncoder: Property =
for {
ss <- Gen
.string(Gen.unicode, Range.linear(1, 10))
.list(Range.linear(1, 10))
ns <-, Int.MaxValue)).list(Range.singleton(ss.length)).log("ns")
map <- Gen.constant("map")
input <- Gen.constant( { case (key, value) => MyRefinedType.unsafeFrom(key) -> value }).log("input")
} yield {
val expected = Json.fromFields( { case (key, value) => key -> value.asJson })
val actual = input.asJson
actual ==== expected,
actual.noSpaces ==== expected.noSpaces,

def testRefinedNewtypeEncoder: Property =
for {
ss <- Gen
.string(Gen.unicode, Range.linear(1, 10))
.list(Range.linear(1, 10))
ns <-, Int.MaxValue)).list(Range.singleton(ss.length)).log("ns")
map <- Gen.constant("map")
input <- Gen.constant( { case (key, value) => MyRefinedNewtype(MyRefinedType.unsafeFrom(key)) -> value }).log("input")
} yield {
val expected = Json.fromFields( { case (key, value) => key -> value.asJson })
val actual = input.asJson
actual ==== expected,
actual.noSpaces ==== expected.noSpaces,

def testInlinedRefinedEncoder: Property =
for {
ss <- Gen
.string(Gen.unicode, Range.linear(1, 10))
.list(Range.linear(1, 10))
ns <-, Int.MaxValue)).list(Range.singleton(ss.length)).log("ns")
map <- Gen.constant("map")
input <- Gen.constant( { case (key, value) => MyInlinedRefinedType.unsafeFrom(key) -> value }).log("input")
} yield {
val expected = Json.fromFields( { case (key, value) => key -> value.asJson })
val actual = input.asJson
actual ==== expected,
actual.noSpaces ==== expected.noSpaces,

def testInlinedRefinedNewtypeEncoder: Property =
for {
ss <- Gen
.string(Gen.unicode, Range.linear(1, 10))
.list(Range.linear(1, 10))
ns <-, Int.MaxValue)).list(Range.singleton(ss.length)).log("ns")
map <- Gen.constant("map")
input <-
Gen.constant( { case (key, value) => MyInlinedRefinedNewtype(MyInlinedRefinedType.unsafeFrom(key)) -> value }).log("input")
} yield {
val expected = Json.fromFields( { case (key, value) => key -> value.asJson })
val actual = input.asJson
actual ==== expected,
actual.noSpaces ==== expected.noSpaces,

def testNewtypeDecoder: Property =
for {
ss <- Gen
.string(Gen.unicode, Range.linear(1, 10))
.list(Range.linear(1, 10))
ns <-, Int.MaxValue)).list(Range.singleton(ss.length)).log("ns")
map <- Gen.constant("map")
expected <- Gen.constant( { case (key, value) => MyNewtype(key) -> value }).log("expected")
} yield {
val input = Json.fromFields( { case (key, value) => key -> value.asJson })
val actual = decode[Map[MyNewtype, Int]](input.noSpaces)
actual ==== expected.asRight

def testRefinedDecoder: Property =
for {
ss <- Gen
.string(Gen.unicode, Range.linear(1, 10))
.list(Range.linear(1, 10))
ns <-, Int.MaxValue)).list(Range.singleton(ss.length)).log("ns")
map <- Gen.constant("map")
expected <- Gen.constant( { case (key, value) => MyRefinedType.unsafeFrom(key) -> value }).log("expected")
} yield {
val input = Json.fromFields( { case (key, value) => key -> value.asJson })
val actual = decode[Map[MyRefinedType, Int]](input.noSpaces)
actual ==== expected.asRight

def testRefinedDecoderInvalid: Result = {
val expected = MyRefinedType.from("").leftMap(_ => io.circe.DecodingFailure("Couldn't decode key.", List(DownField(""))))
val input = Json.fromFields(Map("" -> 1.asJson))
val actual = decode[Map[MyRefinedType, Int]](input.noSpaces)
actual ==== expected

def testRefinedNewtypeDecoder: Property =
for {
ss <- Gen
.string(Gen.unicode, Range.linear(1, 10))
.list(Range.linear(1, 10))
ns <-, Int.MaxValue)).list(Range.singleton(ss.length)).log("ns")
map <- Gen.constant("map")
expected <- Gen.constant( { case (key, value) => MyRefinedNewtype(MyRefinedType.unsafeFrom(key)) -> value }).log("expected")
} yield {
val input = Json.fromFields( { case (key, value) => key -> value.asJson })
val actual = decode[Map[MyRefinedNewtype, Int]](input.noSpaces)
actual ==== expected.asRight

def testRefinedNewtypeDecoderInvalid: Result = {
val expected =
.leftMap(_ => io.circe.DecodingFailure("Couldn't decode key.", List(DownField(""))))
val input = Json.fromFields(Map("" -> 1.asJson))
val actual = decode[Map[MyRefinedNewtype, Int]](input.noSpaces)
actual ==== expected

def testInlinedRefinedDecoder: Property =
for {
ss <- Gen
.string(Gen.unicode, Range.linear(1, 10))
.list(Range.linear(1, 10))
ns <-, Int.MaxValue)).list(Range.singleton(ss.length)).log("ns")
map <- Gen.constant("map")
expected <- Gen.constant( { case (key, value) => MyInlinedRefinedType.unsafeFrom(key) -> value }).log("expected")
} yield {
val input = Json.fromFields( { case (key, value) => key -> value.asJson })
val actual = decode[Map[MyInlinedRefinedType, Int]](input.noSpaces)
actual ==== expected.asRight

def testInlinedRefinedDecoderInvalid: Result = {
val expected =
.leftMap(_ => io.circe.DecodingFailure("Couldn't decode key.", List(DownField(""))))
val input = Json.fromFields(Map("" -> 1.asJson))
val actual = decode[Map[MyInlinedRefinedType, Int]](input.noSpaces)
actual ==== expected

def testInlinedRefinedNewtypeDecoder: Property =
for {
ss <- Gen
.string(Gen.unicode, Range.linear(1, 10))
.list(Range.linear(1, 10))
ns <-, Int.MaxValue)).list(Range.singleton(ss.length)).log("ns")
map <- Gen.constant("map")
expected <- Gen
.constant( { case (key, value) => MyInlinedRefinedNewtype(MyInlinedRefinedType.unsafeFrom(key)) -> value })
} yield {
val input = Json.fromFields( { case (key, value) => key -> value.asJson })
val actual = decode[Map[MyInlinedRefinedNewtype, Int]](input.noSpaces)
actual ==== expected.asRight

def testInlinedRefinedNewtypeDecoderInvalid: Result = {
val expected = MyInlinedRefinedType
.leftMap(_ => io.circe.DecodingFailure("Couldn't decode key.", List(DownField(""))))
val input = Json.fromFields(Map("" -> 1.asJson))
val actual = decode[Map[MyInlinedRefinedNewtype, Int]](input.noSpaces)
actual ==== expected

type MyNewtype = MyNewtype.Type
object MyNewtype extends Newtype[String] with CirceNewtypeKeyCodec[String]

type MyRefinedType = MyRefinedType.Type
object MyRefinedType extends Refined[String] with CirceRefinedKeyCodec[String] {
override inline def invalidReason(a: String): String =
"It has to be a non-empty String but got \"" + a + "\""

override inline def predicate(a: String): Boolean = a != ""

type MyRefinedNewtype = MyRefinedNewtype.Type
object MyRefinedNewtype extends Newtype[MyRefinedType] with CirceNewtypeKeyCodec[MyRefinedType]

type MyInlinedRefinedType = MyInlinedRefinedType.Type
object MyInlinedRefinedType extends InlinedRefined[String] with CirceRefinedKeyCodec[String] {

override inline val inlinedExpectedValue = "a non-empty String"

override inline def invalidReason(a: String): String =
"It has to be a non-empty String but got \"" + a + "\""

override inline def predicate(a: String): Boolean = a != ""

override inline def inlinedPredicate(inline a: String): Boolean = a != ""

type MyInlinedRefinedNewtype = MyInlinedRefinedNewtype.Type
object MyInlinedRefinedNewtype extends Newtype[MyInlinedRefinedType] with CirceNewtypeKeyCodec[MyInlinedRefinedType]


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