Utils created for Shell. My objective is to have utils running on my PC with Git Bash
and on my Mac with this older version of Bash
Every script will be include one time: #pragma once
Examples can be found in examples
You can also find some experiments
on more precise shell things.
# execDebug <COMMAND>
# execVerbose <COMMAND>
# pause
# printVerbose <MESSAGE>
Require DEBUG
as integer (default: 0
# sRGBColorDelta <COLOR1> <COLOR2>
# sRGBColorDistance <COLOR1> <COLOR2>
# sRGBEuclideanDistance <COLOR1> <COLOR2>
# sRGBEuclideanDistanceWeighted <COLOR1> <COLOR2>
# sRGBEuclideanDistanceRedmean <COLOR1> <COLOR2>
# sRGBExtractColor <COLOR> <R/G/B>
# sRGBLuminance <COLOR>
# sRGBLuminanceW3 <COLOR>
# sRGBLuminanceHSP <COLOR>
Require utils_maths.sh
# get_latest_release <USER/REPO>
# get_latest_version <USER/REPO> <BRANCH> <FOLDER/FILE>
# getIniValue <FILE> <SECTION> <PARAM> [<DEFAULT>]
# getIniValueLight <FILE> <PARAM> [<DEFAULT>]
# getIniValueLighter <FILE> <PARAM> [<DEFAULT>]
# setIniValue <FILE> <SECTION> <PARAM> <VALUE>
# abs <VALUE>
# convertHexToDec <VALUE>
# randomInt
# randomIntRange <LOWER> <UPPER>
# sqrt <VALUE>
Bunch of constants colors for a prettier output.
# printDebug <MESSAGE>
# printError <MESSAGE>
# printInfo <MESSAGE>
# printSuccess <MESSAGE>
# printTask <MESSAGE>
# printTip <MESSAGE>
# printWarn <MESSAGE>
Require utils_stdout_colors.sh