Note: Currently working to remove the jQuery dependency and make it completely Plain JS, but keep the jQuery syntax the same, without the jQuery.
BlazorQuery is a Blazor Library that wraps jQuery completely in C# so that DOM Manipulation, Ajax, etc, can be done directly without leaving the comfort of C#.
- Install
through Nuget:Install-Package BlazorQuery
- Add the following in your applications
file (jQuery) (If you already have jQuery, you can skip this step):
<script src="_content/BlazorQuery/jQuery.js"></script>
- Add the following in your applications
file, AFTER your jQuery script tag:
<script src="_content/BlazorQuery/blazorQuery.js"></script>
- Add the following Service to your applications
- Setup is done, you can now go to "Usage" section
IMPORTANT NOTE: A current limitation of Blazor means you cannot execute DOM Manipulation in a Prerendering state, so you can only use DOM
functions in OnAfterRenderAsync
or AFTER Prerendering has been done (For example through a button click or an eventhandler, etc.)
Example - CSS
@page "/"
@inject BlazorQueryDOM DOM
<h1>Hello, DOM!</h1>
<h1>Hello, Blazor!</h1>
@code {
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync()
await DOM.Select("h1").CSS("background-color", "red");
Example - Text
@page "/"
@inject BlazorQueryDOM DOM
<h1>Hello, DOM!</h1>
<h1>Hello, Blazor!</h1>
@code {
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync()
await DOM.Select("h1").Text("Now this text is changed");
Example - Combining Actions
@page "/"
@inject BlazorQueryDOM DOM
<h1>Hello, DOM!</h1>
<h1>Hello, Blazor!</h1>
@code {
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync()
await DOM.Select("h1").Text("Now this text is changed").CSS("color", "yellow");
- Version 0.0.3 - 2021-05-01
- Migrated to .NET 5 and updated all packages to .NET 5 versions
- Some cleanup, such as moving BlazorQueryDOMHelpers to a new file
- Fixed a bug where Height and Width on DOM element needed to be double
- Added "href" to DOM element
- Version 0.0.2 - 2020-07-29
- Functionality added
- Update projects to build with latest version of Blazor
- Migration from blazor preview --> blazor release
- Starting wrapping fadein and fadeout
- New testapp to test with blazor webassembly, and refactoring to make common code between the 2 testaspp
- Functionality added
- Version 0.0.1 - 2019-07-09
- Functionality added
- Added Select (Equivalent to $/jQuery, to select elements)
- Added AddClass, RemoveClass,
- Added Height (Set & Get), Width (Set & Get)
- Added Text (Set & Get)
- Added CSS
- Functionality added
- Kevin J. Petersen
- Sybaris
- AmazingAlek
- Add
- AddBack
- AddClass
- After
- AjaxComplete
- AjaxError
- AjaxSend
- AjaxStart
- AjaxStop
- AjaxSuccess
- AndSelf
- Animate
- Append
- AppendTo
- Attr
- Before
- Bind
- Blur
- Change
- Children
- ClearQueue
- Click
- Clone
- Closest
- Context
- ContextMenu
- Data
- DBLClick
- Delay
- DelegateJS
- Dequeue
- Detach
- Die
- Each
- Empty
- End
- Eq
- Error
- FadeIn
- FadeOut
- FadeTo
- FadeToggle
- Filter
- Find
- Finish
- First
- Focus
- FocusIn
- FocusOut
- Get
- Has
- HasClass
- Height_Set
- Height_Get
- Hide
- Hover
- Html
- Index
- InnerHeight
- InnerWidth
- InsertAfter
- InsertBefore
- Is
- jQuery
- KeyDown
- KeyPress
- KeyUp
- Last
- Length
- Live
- Load
- Map
- MouseDown
- MouseEnter
- MouseLeave
- MouseMove
- MouseOut
- MouseOver
- MouseUp
- Next
- NextAll
- NextUntil
- Not
- Off
- Offset
- OffsetParent
- On
- One
- OuterHeight
- OuterWidth
- Parent
- Parents
- ParentsUntil
- Position
- Prepend
- PrependTo
- Prev
- PrevAll
- PrevUntil
- Promise
- Prop
- PushStack
- Queue
- Ready
- Remove
- RemoveAttr
- RemoveClass
- RemoveData
- RemoveProp
- ReplaceAll
- ReplaceWith
- Resize
- Scroll
- ScrollLeft
- ScrollTop
- Select (Equivalent to $/jQuery, to select elements)
- SelectJS
- Serialize
- SerializeArray
- Show
- Siblings
- Size
- Slice
- SlideDown
- SlideToggle
- SlideUp
- Stop
- Submit
- Text_Set
- Text_Get
- ToArray
- Toggle
- ToggleClass
- Trigger
- TriggerHandler
- Unbind
- Undelegate
- Unload
- Unwrap
- Val
- Width_Set
- Width_Get
- Wrap
- WrapAll
- WrapInner