V3.9.2 Minor bug fixes
Mostly fixed minor bugs. The console had expected incorrectly that there would always be folders defined in the ISY and that there would always be variables and scenes defined. This is fixed in this release to allow these to be empty. Also, rather than shutting down and restarting if the console can't initialize a hub, it now replaces the hub with a dummy hub that allows the console to start. This caters to a situation I had where one of my hubs became (semi) permanently unavailable and as a result consoles that has references to that hub wouldn't start to allow access to other working hubs. To reconnect to the off line hub the console does need to be restarted when that hub again is up.
Some minor functional additions: this release supports scenes on the Home Assistant hub. Note that HA scenes can only be turned on (unlike ISY scenes). A console button corresponding to a scene issues the corresponding HA scene.turn_on command to the hub. Previously, when displaying the log via the maintenance screen you needed to scroll page by page to either the top or end of the log in order to exit the display. Now a double tap on the top half of the log screen goes directly to the 1st page of the log and a double tap on the bottom half goes directly to the last page. From there a single tap exits. Finally, the "Clear Matching Error" option on the network command screen now behaves more usefully in that it issues the command to all consoles and the match itself need not be completely identical for the match to work. It need only be "close" thus handling messages that hit all consoles that differ only in the address listed for some Python item.
Note: My own ISY system is currently down after a power outage and it will be a while before I can restart it since it is in a different location. Thus, the ISY changes in this release have had more limited testing than I would normally do. If you encounter any significant errors, you can revert to the previous version by moving the "previousversion" directory in consolestable back up to be consolestable. And of course report the issue to me so I can deal with it.