Solves the New York Times Spelling Bee.
Their dictionary is not the same as the one included so you may find missing words as well as extras.
$ ./beesolver --help
Usage: beesolver <required_letter> <other_letters> [--dict <dict>] [--words-output <words-output>]
A Spelling Bee solver
Positional Arguments:
required_letter the letter required in all words
other_letters the 6 other allowed letters
--dict path to a custom dictionary file
--words-output when off, only the stats for the solution are output
(default on)
--help display usage information
- Rust 1.68 — though given how little language functionality is used it likely works on much earlier versions of Rust.
This was an excuse to play around with Rust. I come from a Java background and did this in Java first. I'm fairly certain much of the code is not idiomatic Rust as I struggled through a couple different parts of Rust.
Run all tests:
$ cargo test